This Cloud Computing Solution Offer Manage Specific Business Functions

Kamis, 15 Desember 2016 - 22:24 WIB
This Cloud Computing...
This Cloud Computing Solution Offer Manage Specific Business Functions
JAKARTA - 'Data is new currency', this short phrase into the one of keyword when Microsoft Indonesia introducing information technology solutions for enterprise or corporate named Microsoft Dynamics 365. This application is the latest generation who rely on Microsoft's cloud computing solutions.

"Customers around the world are currently using cloud ways remarkable to accelerate business transformation respectively. Dynamics 365 is a business application cloud-based Microsoft that can be used to enhance and integrate the company's productivity in three key areas: sales, marketing, and customer service. And customer also used for data server," said Mulia Dewi Karnadi, SMS & P Director of Microsoft Indonesia in Jakarta, Thursday (15/12).

She said that the development of technology using cloud computing can help any business owners and operators, in order to further develop and progress without having to spend a lot of costs, and IT resources.

The perceived benefits, customers can use the applications they want according to needs. Including pay according to what they use (pay as you go).

"Whenever the application is no longer needed, the customer can determine their own needs. With the method subscribe, customers can also go a step further in achieving cost effectiveness of the company," she explained.
This Cloud Computing Solution Offer Manage Specific Business Functions

These applications can be built to help manage specific business functions, including: Financials, Field Service, Sales, Operations, Marketing, Project Services Automation and Customer Service.

Currently the deep integration between Dynamics 365 and Office 365 will connect the structured workflow of business applications with structured collaboration and productivity work. Additionally Dynamics 365 available to users outside of the Windows ecosystem such as Android and iOS.

"Dynamic 365 can be integrated with other platforms as needed interface client server and Web Base in later every other platform will Auto Adjust," said President Director of Creative Dynamics Integration, Galib Machri.

Dynamic 365 now also be run through Outlook, through this software can easily take advantage of the information, through interaction with consumers, through Role Center, dashboard and others.

Microsoft's latest software is also built to address the needs of IT are increasingly simple yet high performance.

"Employees can view the dashboard and all transaction information simply by accessing Outlook offline albeit with conditions" said Galib.

To further cut the cost of ERP solutions, Microsoft Dynamics using web based system. So,client computer does not require a high specification.

"Simply using a laptop with a browser in it and the car is all it can be used," concludes Galib.
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