Traditional Games, Fortifying Children from Gadget Addiction
Senin, 12 Desember 2016 - 10:35 WIB

Traditional Games, Fortifying Children from Gadget Addiction
JAKARTA - Technological developments make Indonesian children more and more addicted to gadgets. It is certainly harmful to the development of the child.
Research from Asian Parent mentions, 99 percent of children prefer to spend time playing gadgets at home, 71 percent of 'preoccupied' with gadgets while traveling, 70 percent in restaurants, 40 percent at a friend's home, and 17 percent when breaks at school. This condition makes children less socially endangered and sensitive to the surrounding environment.
One solution to prevent it is the traditional game. In addition, as an alternative fulfillment of children, traditional games is also a good method for child development while preserving local cultural wisdom.
"Contain such as these (traditional games, red) we need to provide a space for children to express themselves and be creative in use of spare time," said the Deputy Minister for Children Growth, KPPPA, Lenny N Rosalin on sidelines of the opening of the Indonesia Traditional Games Festival 2016 (FPTA) in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, Sunday (11/12).
![Traditional Games, Fortifying Children from Gadget Addiction]()
She explained, the festival was first held in Indonesia and form of introduction to local culture while meeting the child's right to play and enjoy free time with activities that are positive and creative.
"Here are all the traditional games. 154 traditional games that have been identified, as many as 78 of them will be exhibited in this festival. 2,500 children from various regions attended the festival as a form of diversity of Indonesia," said Lenny.
She said, FPTA Indonesia will provide a lot of experience traditional games to children, teachers, parents, and community through exhibitions, performances and competitions. As is known, traditional games Indonesia is very rich in the use of objects, functional, symbolic and largely outdoor.
"Look like running a relay coconut shells, Galasin, Bentengan, run clogs, and stilts," she added.
![Traditional Games, Fortifying Children from Gadget Addiction]()
Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (PPA), Yohana Susana Yembise who opened this event confirms, reproduce arcades in the regions will have more positive impact than simply relying on technological progress alone.
"The existence of arcades is an effort to develop children's creativity and need to be maintained in order to give the child comfort when using it. By lifting the traditional game typical of Indonesia became a new breakthrough in the community. The traditional game has a high philosophical value and prompting interaction between friends," said Yohana.
Research from Asian Parent mentions, 99 percent of children prefer to spend time playing gadgets at home, 71 percent of 'preoccupied' with gadgets while traveling, 70 percent in restaurants, 40 percent at a friend's home, and 17 percent when breaks at school. This condition makes children less socially endangered and sensitive to the surrounding environment.
One solution to prevent it is the traditional game. In addition, as an alternative fulfillment of children, traditional games is also a good method for child development while preserving local cultural wisdom.
"Contain such as these (traditional games, red) we need to provide a space for children to express themselves and be creative in use of spare time," said the Deputy Minister for Children Growth, KPPPA, Lenny N Rosalin on sidelines of the opening of the Indonesia Traditional Games Festival 2016 (FPTA) in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta, Sunday (11/12).

She explained, the festival was first held in Indonesia and form of introduction to local culture while meeting the child's right to play and enjoy free time with activities that are positive and creative.
"Here are all the traditional games. 154 traditional games that have been identified, as many as 78 of them will be exhibited in this festival. 2,500 children from various regions attended the festival as a form of diversity of Indonesia," said Lenny.
She said, FPTA Indonesia will provide a lot of experience traditional games to children, teachers, parents, and community through exhibitions, performances and competitions. As is known, traditional games Indonesia is very rich in the use of objects, functional, symbolic and largely outdoor.
"Look like running a relay coconut shells, Galasin, Bentengan, run clogs, and stilts," she added.

Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (PPA), Yohana Susana Yembise who opened this event confirms, reproduce arcades in the regions will have more positive impact than simply relying on technological progress alone.
"The existence of arcades is an effort to develop children's creativity and need to be maintained in order to give the child comfort when using it. By lifting the traditional game typical of Indonesia became a new breakthrough in the community. The traditional game has a high philosophical value and prompting interaction between friends," said Yohana.