Six Territory Become Focus for Border Investment Region

Selasa, 29 November 2016 - 22:53 WIB
Six Territory Become...
Six Territory Become Focus for Border Investment Region
JAKARTA - Ministry Village, Disadvantaged Region and Transmigration (Kemendesa) will held Border Business and Investment Forum on December 1, 2016 in Jakarta. This event is a continuation Border Investment Summit which held early November 2015 ago.

To support forum that the scene brought together heads of regions and investors, Kemendesa has mainstreamed business plan commodity that include conditions, the potential and value of investment needs.

Directorate General
of Specific Areas Development (DG PDTu) cooperation with Gajah Mada University to conduct a study on the potential of leading commodities border areas in order to provide location information of investment in the National Strategic Activity Center.

In brief, the book presents data and information on business plans and investment opportunities offered to the private sector and the business community to expand investment in various border or Indonesia
Home Region (KBI).

"Meanwhile, we only load six border districts yet, namely Natuna, Nunukan, Belu, Talaud islands, Morotai and Merauke," said Director General of Specific Areas Development (DG PDTu) Kemendesa, Suprayoga Hadi in Jakarta, Tuesday (29/11).

Suprayoga added, if last year is still focused on mapping and policy regulations, this year
meeting held out any potential and investment needs in the six KBI regions.

That's why, Border Business and Investment Summit this year is more widely followed by private companies, state enterprises, entrepreneurs, business associations, to the embassies of friendly countries.

"Invitation will adjust to the type of investment required in each area. Of course this event was also attended by regional heads of border areas," he explained.

Director of Development of Border Areas Kemendesa, Supriyani Endang added, Border Business and Investment Summit 2017 will be attended by 300 guests.

"in this event we try to bridging the potential investors and local governments. In any case, we need the support of the private sector in the development of upstream and downstream, including infrastructure development," she said.
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