'Meteorite' Burning Across Sky Following Japanese Earthquake

Selasa, 22 November 2016 - 23:18 WIB
Meteorite Burning Across...
'Meteorite' Burning Across Sky Following Japanese Earthquake
TOKYO - A teenager has filmed a ' meteorite ' burning across the sky shortly after the Japanese earthquake struck. The teen, known as Asuka (16) from Japan, filmed the extraordinary sight trailing across the evening sky this evening.

A rough translation of her Tweet accompanying the video says: "A movie I took while preparing to die.

"Thought that it was a meteorite because there was an earthquake earlier. It is not a meteorite."

The video emerged as the country absorbed the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that has shaken Tokyo after striking off the coast of Japan.

Early reports said a tsunami warning had been issued after the incident off the coast of Fukushima, the site of the recent nuclear catastrophe.

United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the quake hit Namie, Futaba District, Fukushima. The quake hit 67 km northeast of Iwaki, south of the Hamadori coastal region of Fukushima, Japan, reports RT.

The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued tsunami advisories for much of the nation's northern Pacific coast.

A warning read: "Damage due to tsunami waves is expected. Evacuate immediately from coastal regions and riverside areas to a safer place such as high ground or an evacuation building".
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