Rush Money at November 25, Will be Real?

Jum'at, 18 November 2016 - 18:15 WIB
Rush Money at November...
Rush Money at November 25, Will be Real?
JAKARTA - Exclamation withdraw money in the bank November 25, 2016 has been echoed a number of religious leaders in social media and WhatsApp application. Action of money withdraw in bank on the same day is believed to be able to shake the economy of Indonesia.

Call to withdraw funds from banks massively on November 25 began to appear.
Senator, AM Iqbal Parewangi claims began to attract funds from private banks. This action is referred to as escorting Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)

"Bismillah. From this day I pull my entire savings in private banks and gradually I moved to Bank Muamalat and state s
haria. I sami'naa wa atha'naa to guards MUI Fatwa at holy endeavor," wrote Iqbal at his Facebook account.

Since past few days, the hashtag November
25 Rush Money suddenly become a trending topic on Twitter. Tagar is touted related with suspected cases of alleged blasphemy to Jakarta Governor non active, Basuki T Purnama alias Ahok.

Parewangi was keen to voice law enforcement on cases of alleged blasphemy. For example in senator plenary session on October 25, 2016. The Senator from South Sulawesi stated that the case is potentially damaging to national construction and unity of the nation.

Not only that. On November
4, an alumnus of the UGM Faculty of Physics invites President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) for Friday prayers at the Istiqlal together.

"Ya Allah, open President Jokowi
heart to deign to come to the Istiqlal Mosque today's Friday prayers congregation together Muslims. At the same time pick up hundreds of thousands of Muslims at the Istiqlal to come to the Presidential Palace along with it. Walk together. Mutually keeping. Say Hello. Saling rigging strengthen friendship and brotherhood. and oration with Mr. President Jokowi. For the sake of upholding the law are actually legal in this beloved country," writes Iqbal.

Responding to calls for massively withdraw funds on November
25, the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati call to rush money is a very dangerous incitement.

She called on the people not easily incited to commit an act that may damage the economy of Indonesia.

"I think it (rush money) is a dangerous incitement. If people care about the Indonesian economy and our country, he will keep and not easily provoked to undermine their own country," said Sri Mulyani in Jakarta, Friday (18/11).

She said the impact of money rush not only to the financial sector, but spread on Indonesian economic instability.

"If the economy is unstable, which is affected to middle and lower classes of society. Express your political views with political means. But if expression is done by sabotage or self-injury, which hit the middle to lower as well," she said.
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