MK Asked for Reject Filed of Tax Amnesty Policy

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016 - 00:36 WIB
MK Asked for Reject...
MK Asked for Reject Filed of Tax Amnesty Policy
JAKARTA - Emergence of a lawsuit against Tax Amnesty act is currently still in process at the Constitutional Court (MK) received a response from the harsh elements of society.

This response was shown as resistance the negative campaign against Tax Amnesty

"We have called on businessmen, officials and former officials and politicians as well as artists and people who earn big to follow the tax amnesty. We also want the Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the appeal of a group of people who filed tax amnesty policy," said Jove Manokoa, the field coordinator Taxpayers A
lliance-Small and Medium Enterprises (AWP-KM) during support demonstration for Tax Amnesty policy in Monas, Jakarta, Friday (30/9).
MK Asked for Reject Filed of Tax Amnesty Policy

He said he also asked the government, in this case the Ministry of Finance and the Directorate-General (DG) to further improve socialization Taxes Tax Amnesty program and bureaucratic tax system.

"There are still a lot of misunderstanding in the community. It should be further intensified socialization that the tax amnesty will not be targeted at the grassroots level," he said.
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