Hike of Cigarette Prices Just Hoax

Senin, 22 Agustus 2016 - 12:18 WIB
Hike of Cigarette Prices...
Hike of Cigarette Prices Just Hoax
JAKARTA - Information will be drastically the price of cigarettes referred to as a mere hoax news.

One cigarette manufacturer, PT HM Sampoerna Tbk (HMSP) states, the information related to a cigarette price increase drastically not properly and propagated by not responsible
parties. Moreover, the price is mentioned almost touching 50,000/piece.

Head of Regulatory Affairs, International Trade and Communications HM Sampoerna,
Elvira Lianita said, a tax increase is not the right policy. Therefore, many aspects that need to be considered.

"Need we say that the drastic price increase or a tax increase excessively is not a wise move for any policies related to cigarette prices and taxes have to consider all aspects in a comprehensive manner," said Elvira in Jakarta, Monday (22/8).

These aspects, he said, consists of the entire national tobacco industry chain (farmers, workers, manufacturers, traders and consumers). It also must consider the condition of the industry and the purchasing power of today's society.

Excise policy that is too high, said Elvira, will push the price of cigarettes to be expensive. So, not in accordance with the people's purchasing power.

"If the price of expensive cigarettes, then this opportunity will be used by the illegal tobacco products are sold at very cheap prices because they do not pay taxes," he concluded.
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