Triangle: The Dark Side, It's All About Money
Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016 - 03:04 WIB

Triangle: The Dark Side, It's All About Money
JAKARTA - Unexpected end of the story will be presented in 'Triangle: The Dark Side' movie made by Deddy Corbuzier. Deddy guarantee, the audience will be made annoyed.
"If you watch until the ending, see one half hour. You must continue to tell the ending was pissed," Deddy said after press screening Triangle movie in Jakarta, recently.
Then, what is unexpected from this film? Clearly besides ending of this movie, the character of Chika Jessica will be a surprise in itself. Clearly, the film is thick with themes that can be called if it is 'all for the money'.
"If in the novel unfolds ending that is not visible in film, so that people who have read the novel will be familiar with the film. And people who do not understand the film need to continue read the novels," he added.
![Triangle: The Dark Side, It's All About Money]()
As a performer and screenwriter, Deddy not granted satisfied. His debut on big screen this time, opening the way for works continues with the next film.
"If you feel still need to learn continuously, definitely. Because if you're satisfied now, yes certainly will not flourish. But for me, I believe this gives another color in Indonesian cinema," he said.
This film, also starring by Jessica Chika, Volland Humonggio, Sandra Dewi, Babe Cabita, Roy Marten, Chris John and Asri Welas can be seen in theaters across the country starting today, August 18th.
"If you watch until the ending, see one half hour. You must continue to tell the ending was pissed," Deddy said after press screening Triangle movie in Jakarta, recently.
Then, what is unexpected from this film? Clearly besides ending of this movie, the character of Chika Jessica will be a surprise in itself. Clearly, the film is thick with themes that can be called if it is 'all for the money'.
"If in the novel unfolds ending that is not visible in film, so that people who have read the novel will be familiar with the film. And people who do not understand the film need to continue read the novels," he added.

As a performer and screenwriter, Deddy not granted satisfied. His debut on big screen this time, opening the way for works continues with the next film.
"If you feel still need to learn continuously, definitely. Because if you're satisfied now, yes certainly will not flourish. But for me, I believe this gives another color in Indonesian cinema," he said.
This film, also starring by Jessica Chika, Volland Humonggio, Sandra Dewi, Babe Cabita, Roy Marten, Chris John and Asri Welas can be seen in theaters across the country starting today, August 18th.