When Ridwan Kamil Face 'Thrown' by Sandal

When Ridwan Kamil Face 'Thrown' by Sandal
BANDUNG - Indonesia 71st anniversary celebration in Bandung on Wednesday (17/8) tinged dramatic events. A sandal 'throw' drop in to face the mayor, Ridwan Kamil. How come?
This incident occurred when the man who familiarly called Kang Emil with his wife, Atalia Praratya and ranks the Bandung municipal government participated in various competitions which held at Jalan Taman Hewan, RW 8 Lebak Siliwangi, Coblong subdistrict, Bandung.
When the tug of war that followed his wife and of wives of heads of agencies, Kang Emil stood in the midst of mine who trampled by the referee. When blowing the whistle for started race, automatically referee lifted his foot which stepped on the mine.
Whether because of the referee so spirits when lifted his leg, or due to the effects of the mine tug by participants, sandal which used be detached and flew right into the Kang Emil face who was in front of the referee. As a result, yellow sandals was stopped to the face of number one in the city of Bandung. Until making sunglasses which worn Kang Emil was released.
This hilarious moment was caught on camera and uploaded by Kang Emil in his Facebook and Instagram. And in his Instagram, Emil Kang write if the sandal were eager to talk to her.
"When the referee sandal tug invites stray and desperate to talk," wrote Kang Emil.
Kang Emil posting certain to attract netter comment. Not a few netizens who revealed laugh toned stunned his expression.
"Wkwkwk, it really fits the picture. His expression make vows out loud," added one of netter.
"And sandals not invites to talk but want to smell the forehead, wkwkwk," comments the other netter.
"Ha ha ha ha ... and sandal can fly, really fans and want selfie equally Kang Emil. Wkwkwkwk," wrote account @Zhalni Zha.
Yeah...in celebration of Indonesia independence day this year, Kang Emil and his wife follow a number of races. He also called on all heads of departments and staff joined with residents to follow the race. Various competitions were held, ranging from crackers eating contest, tug of war until clogs racing.
Competition eating crackers became the first race followed by Ridwan Kamil and the ranks of city government officials, including Deputy Mayor, Oded M Danial, Managing Director of PD Cleanliness (Kebersihan) Deni Nurdiana, Assistant 1 Priana Wirasaputra, Coblong Subdistrict Head Anton Sugiana.
![When Ridwan Kamil Face 'Thrown' by Sandal]()
So cue the committee says, the excitement began the race anyway. And that adds to the excitement, cracker eating contest was held in a fish pond in the middle of the residence. They were willing to get wet fun, even though most of the officials were still dressed in formal attire.
Ridwan Kamil which wearing red poloshirt has difficulty eating crackers were hanged. But the deputy, Oded which sitting next to him so easily spend crackers were hanged. And finally Deputy Mayor of Bandung, Oded M Danial out as winners eating crackers.
The second session cracker eating contest was held back. Now turn to the Head of Cemeteries and Park Arief Prasetya, Chief of BPLH Hikmat Ginanjar, Head of BPPT Dandan Riza and Managing Director of PDAM Tirtawening Soni Salimi performance gear.
Once the cue from the committee starts, the atmosphere had roared back. Cheering citizens including Ridwan Kamil encourage his men to follow the race. Did not take long, five minutes later Managing Director of PDAM Tirtawening Soni Salimi out as winners.
After the race crackers, the event continued with the race taking coins in orange. Ridwan Kamil wife, Atalia Praratya did not want to lose join the race. Atalia compete with the Head of Disdukcapil Popong W Nuraini and other officials. Did not take long, Atalia managed to win the race.
![When Ridwan Kamil Face 'Thrown' by Sandal]()
The event was followed by various other competitions such as tug of war and clogs. The presence of the number one in the city of Bandung adds a festive celebration of Indonesia independence day in RW 8, Lebak Siliwangi.
"In order to share excitement, we come to residents. Last year in Babakan Ciparay, this year in Coblong Subdistrict . The special racing eating crackers on the water. It's even more special. Next year we moved again," said Kang Emil.
This incident occurred when the man who familiarly called Kang Emil with his wife, Atalia Praratya and ranks the Bandung municipal government participated in various competitions which held at Jalan Taman Hewan, RW 8 Lebak Siliwangi, Coblong subdistrict, Bandung.
When the tug of war that followed his wife and of wives of heads of agencies, Kang Emil stood in the midst of mine who trampled by the referee. When blowing the whistle for started race, automatically referee lifted his foot which stepped on the mine.
Whether because of the referee so spirits when lifted his leg, or due to the effects of the mine tug by participants, sandal which used be detached and flew right into the Kang Emil face who was in front of the referee. As a result, yellow sandals was stopped to the face of number one in the city of Bandung. Until making sunglasses which worn Kang Emil was released.
This hilarious moment was caught on camera and uploaded by Kang Emil in his Facebook and Instagram. And in his Instagram, Emil Kang write if the sandal were eager to talk to her.
"When the referee sandal tug invites stray and desperate to talk," wrote Kang Emil.
Kang Emil posting certain to attract netter comment. Not a few netizens who revealed laugh toned stunned his expression.
"Wkwkwk, it really fits the picture. His expression make vows out loud," added one of netter.
"And sandals not invites to talk but want to smell the forehead, wkwkwk," comments the other netter.
"Ha ha ha ha ... and sandal can fly, really fans and want selfie equally Kang Emil. Wkwkwkwk," wrote account @Zhalni Zha.
Yeah...in celebration of Indonesia independence day this year, Kang Emil and his wife follow a number of races. He also called on all heads of departments and staff joined with residents to follow the race. Various competitions were held, ranging from crackers eating contest, tug of war until clogs racing.
Competition eating crackers became the first race followed by Ridwan Kamil and the ranks of city government officials, including Deputy Mayor, Oded M Danial, Managing Director of PD Cleanliness (Kebersihan) Deni Nurdiana, Assistant 1 Priana Wirasaputra, Coblong Subdistrict Head Anton Sugiana.

So cue the committee says, the excitement began the race anyway. And that adds to the excitement, cracker eating contest was held in a fish pond in the middle of the residence. They were willing to get wet fun, even though most of the officials were still dressed in formal attire.
Ridwan Kamil which wearing red poloshirt has difficulty eating crackers were hanged. But the deputy, Oded which sitting next to him so easily spend crackers were hanged. And finally Deputy Mayor of Bandung, Oded M Danial out as winners eating crackers.
The second session cracker eating contest was held back. Now turn to the Head of Cemeteries and Park Arief Prasetya, Chief of BPLH Hikmat Ginanjar, Head of BPPT Dandan Riza and Managing Director of PDAM Tirtawening Soni Salimi performance gear.
Once the cue from the committee starts, the atmosphere had roared back. Cheering citizens including Ridwan Kamil encourage his men to follow the race. Did not take long, five minutes later Managing Director of PDAM Tirtawening Soni Salimi out as winners.
After the race crackers, the event continued with the race taking coins in orange. Ridwan Kamil wife, Atalia Praratya did not want to lose join the race. Atalia compete with the Head of Disdukcapil Popong W Nuraini and other officials. Did not take long, Atalia managed to win the race.

The event was followed by various other competitions such as tug of war and clogs. The presence of the number one in the city of Bandung adds a festive celebration of Indonesia independence day in RW 8, Lebak Siliwangi.
"In order to share excitement, we come to residents. Last year in Babakan Ciparay, this year in Coblong Subdistrict . The special racing eating crackers on the water. It's even more special. Next year we moved again," said Kang Emil.