Tired for Laundry and Folding? Welcome Robotic Machine Into the Fold

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016 - 02:31 WIB
Tired for Laundry and...
Tired for Laundry and Folding? Welcome Robotic Machine Into the Fold
SAN FRANCISCO - Nobody likes folding their laundry, plain and simple. It’s tedious, time-consuming, and just an overall drag. So why not let a robotic laundry machine do the job for you?

Enter the Foldimate, robotic laundry folding machine, which is designed to help reduce a bit of stress around the household. Moreover, the brand — also named Foldimate — claims the machine is so easy to use that even kids won’t have any issue operating it. Somehow, someway, a San Francisco-based startup might’ve just made laundry “fun.”

So, how’d the team do it? By designing and manufacturing a machine outfitted with a conveyor belt, several robotic clothes-folding arms, and an adjustable tray that spits out the perfectly folded garment once finished.

Foldimate even comes standard with a steam cleaner to help reduce the number of unwanted wrinkles, as well as a mode that allows users to perfume, soften, or treat clothes while they’re being folded.

Commercially available since 2014, Foldimate has been at work the past few years designing an at-home model of its innovative device. After tweaking its technology, the company is gearing up to make the Foldimate available to the public by 2018.
Tired for Laundry and Folding? Welcome Robotic Machine Into the Fold

As of now, registrations for pre-orders have begun through the brand’s website, which lists a rough estimated price at around $700 to $850. For comparison’s sake, an average washer or dryer costs approximately the same, though it is worth pointing out the Foldimate only folds clothes; it’s not a replacement for a washer or dryer.

Capable of folding everything from shirts and sweaters to jeans or sweatpants, the only things it can’t handle are larger items like linens or smaller pieces of clothing like underwear.

Standing 32 inches tall by 28 inches wide, the Foldimate would fit nicely in most laundry rooms and is also capable of being moved from room to room depending on space. Itonly weighs around 65 pounds.

Speedwise, the device is said to take roughly 10 seconds to fold most items and an extra 20 to 30 seconds to get rid of wrinkles using steam.
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