What ASTRABI do for Prevent Extinction of Silat Tradisi Betawi
Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016 - 01:46 WIB

What ASTRABI do for Prevent Extinction of Silat Tradisi Betawi
JAKARTA - About 5,000 fighters Silat Tradisi Betawi from various universities across the Greater Jakarta area cornucopia on Car Free Day, Sunday (7/10). With typical pangsi colorful fashion, the fighters was gathered to attend the event titled 1,000 Pendekar Betawi which themed Lebaran Pendekar Betawi 2016 held Home Education Arts Activist Betawi (Redaksi Betawi).
Redaksi Betawi is both a pioneer establishment of ASTRABI (Association of Traditional Silat Betawi), a new place for Silat Tradisi Betawi culture.
At this moment, ASTRABI officially born into a new place to revive the culture and tradition of silat Betawi that was nearly extinct. Saifullah, who now serves as Secretary of Jakarta city who also origin from Betawi in Jakarta government was elected as Chairman of the Trustees ASTRABI.
According Saefullah, silat Betawi so far almost extinct. For that, he fully supports the establishment ASTRABI as a new place to maintain silat Betawi culture in order to survive in the current era.
"I did observe, silat Betawi almost endangered. There are 600 flow silat in Indonesia, more than 300 flow there in the land of Betawi. If not able to adapt changing times, it is not impossible silat Betawi is a distant memory," said Saifullah.
With this place, silat tradisi Betawi is expected to return victorious and hosted at his home.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Redaksi Betawi, Untung P Napis added, a great appreciation of the great enthusiasm of the warriors to unite in a single container to maintain silat Betawi culture.
Untung said, silat Betawi tradition has a lot of flow. The largest is named Beksi and Cingkrik flow.
"This is the second year the warriors come together. We want to revive silat Betawi tradition that is nearly extinct. With birth of ASTRABI at this second event may Betawi culture and traditions can be maintained," said Untung who is also one of the initiators of ASTRABI.
As a reward for teachers silat Betawi culture, organizers, as in previous years, giving appreciation to 10 old teachers from different schools of martial traditions Betawi in the form of a plaque of appreciation and a cash prize ata services maintain martial tradition of Betawi in each stream.
Saefullah as Chairman of the Trustees ASTRABI gave special appreciation to a 93-year-old teacher who lives under the Soekarno-Hatta airport bridge toll , by giving home stay in Rusun Cengkareng, West Jakarta.
Redaksi Betawi is both a pioneer establishment of ASTRABI (Association of Traditional Silat Betawi), a new place for Silat Tradisi Betawi culture.
At this moment, ASTRABI officially born into a new place to revive the culture and tradition of silat Betawi that was nearly extinct. Saifullah, who now serves as Secretary of Jakarta city who also origin from Betawi in Jakarta government was elected as Chairman of the Trustees ASTRABI.
According Saefullah, silat Betawi so far almost extinct. For that, he fully supports the establishment ASTRABI as a new place to maintain silat Betawi culture in order to survive in the current era.
"I did observe, silat Betawi almost endangered. There are 600 flow silat in Indonesia, more than 300 flow there in the land of Betawi. If not able to adapt changing times, it is not impossible silat Betawi is a distant memory," said Saifullah.
With this place, silat tradisi Betawi is expected to return victorious and hosted at his home.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Redaksi Betawi, Untung P Napis added, a great appreciation of the great enthusiasm of the warriors to unite in a single container to maintain silat Betawi culture.
Untung said, silat Betawi tradition has a lot of flow. The largest is named Beksi and Cingkrik flow.
"This is the second year the warriors come together. We want to revive silat Betawi tradition that is nearly extinct. With birth of ASTRABI at this second event may Betawi culture and traditions can be maintained," said Untung who is also one of the initiators of ASTRABI.
As a reward for teachers silat Betawi culture, organizers, as in previous years, giving appreciation to 10 old teachers from different schools of martial traditions Betawi in the form of a plaque of appreciation and a cash prize ata services maintain martial tradition of Betawi in each stream.
Saefullah as Chairman of the Trustees ASTRABI gave special appreciation to a 93-year-old teacher who lives under the Soekarno-Hatta airport bridge toll , by giving home stay in Rusun Cengkareng, West Jakarta.