Meet Banana Peels Donut from Surabaya

Meet Banana Peels Donut from Surabaya
SURABAYA - A recent innovation done by lecturer at the Food Technology Studies Program, Faculty of Agriculture University Dr Soetomo (Unitomo) Surabaya, Fajar Kurnia Hartati. She made donuts from banana peels which contain calcium, protein and high in carbohydrates.
"Donuts from banana peel has a calcium content of about 945.3 grams, 86.19 grams of carbohydrates and protein to 18.56 grams. All banana peel can be used as a donut dough according to recipe. The banana peel can also be used a substitute or reduce flour wheat, "he said in Surabaya on Thursday (12/5).
According to him, the raw material for making donuts are wheat flour, while wheat flour is still imported.
"The use of banana peels can be used to replace or reduce flour about 20 percent," she said.
The banana skin types used are banana kamplong. Kamplong bananas fried sellers often used because it can affect the colors more yellow and tapped the leather waste fried food sellers.
"Previously, I had tried five different types of banana peels, namely bananas kepok, kamplong, milk, temples and kings jackfruit, banana kamplong yet rated cost for utilizing the waste fried seller, although the result is inferior to the kind of cavendish bananas," she said.
On the manufacturing process, he reveals the donut-making by cleaning the skin and then boiled and sliced ??banana little before made porridge.
"I try adding pureed banana skin composition, namely the ratio 20:40 banana peel 20 percent and wheat 40 percent, while the rest are other raw materials," he explained.
The addition of a banana skin, he continued to affect the outcome of the assessment donuts taste that is so. Comparison 20:40 considered ideal, because too much of it difficult to be formed into dough.
"Donuts from banana peel has a calcium content of about 945.3 grams, 86.19 grams of carbohydrates and protein to 18.56 grams. All banana peel can be used as a donut dough according to recipe. The banana peel can also be used a substitute or reduce flour wheat, "he said in Surabaya on Thursday (12/5).
According to him, the raw material for making donuts are wheat flour, while wheat flour is still imported.
"The use of banana peels can be used to replace or reduce flour about 20 percent," she said.
The banana skin types used are banana kamplong. Kamplong bananas fried sellers often used because it can affect the colors more yellow and tapped the leather waste fried food sellers.
"Previously, I had tried five different types of banana peels, namely bananas kepok, kamplong, milk, temples and kings jackfruit, banana kamplong yet rated cost for utilizing the waste fried seller, although the result is inferior to the kind of cavendish bananas," she said.
On the manufacturing process, he reveals the donut-making by cleaning the skin and then boiled and sliced ??banana little before made porridge.
"I try adding pureed banana skin composition, namely the ratio 20:40 banana peel 20 percent and wheat 40 percent, while the rest are other raw materials," he explained.
The addition of a banana skin, he continued to affect the outcome of the assessment donuts taste that is so. Comparison 20:40 considered ideal, because too much of it difficult to be formed into dough.