See Event for Creating Resilient, Intelligent and Caring Kids

Sabtu, 16 April 2016 - 19:26 WIB
See Event for Creating...
See Event for Creating Resilient, Intelligent and Caring Kids
JAKARTA - Global competition inevitably make Indonesia's young generation needs to prepare himself to be resilient personally, able to think cleverly and have a sense of concern for the social environment.

Departing from this, Taro Ranger Camps activities held again at 5-7 May 2016 in the region of Mount Pancar, Sentul, West Java.

Through this event, the character of the child is able to be developed as early as possible through the activities of the team in the outdoors. This way is one way to build self-confidence, independence, creativity, sense of responsibility and communication skills of children.

Taro Rangers Camp itself is an application of experiential learning activities based outdoor activities that implement educational games that sharpen the ability of children. The program is also expected to also be expected to be an alternative activity to fill the school holidays.

"The challenge for children who joined Taro Rangers Camp not only overcome fear, but how does the child is able to mingle with other children who do not know. Later it will build a private child to be more independent," said Joko Mokogianta, CEO PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk in Jakarta, recently.

This activity itself has twice held. And on the mat Taro Rangers Camp 2016 values of teamwork in the context of the formation of character tough, clever and caring would be an advantage.

"Three characters is considered able to present the aspects required in a child in Indonesia," said Joko.

This event will be followed by children aged 9-12 years. Later the child will stay for 3 days 2 nights.

"We should learn first of which is small, and from the experience of yesterday we had the confidence to be able to bring more children. Preparation is also more mature, with a location near expected to provide activities qualified child," said Hetty Herath, Head of Marketing PT Tiga Pilar Sejahtera Food Tbk.

While Bayu Setiono of Gerakan #AnakTangguhIndonesia see, Taro Rangers Camp event like this needs the support of all stakeholders Indonesian children, both public and private.

"An activity of children in direct contact with nature, an experience based education that also enriches the character of Indonesian children. In fact, this program is expected to be carried out periodically and sustainable so that more Indonesian children who can feel it," said man who presenter on one of private TV.
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