Premium No Longer Circulating in 2019

Jum'at, 15 April 2016 - 15:46 WIB
Premium No Longer Circulating...
Premium No Longer Circulating in 2019
JAKARTA - Fuel oil (BBM) premium type targeted will no longer circulating in 2019. The reason, users will slowly move to other fuel types.

Marketing and Commercial Director of PT Pertamina (Persero), Ahmad Bambang explained, in first quarter 2016 premium users
migration to pertamax and pertalite is 21 percent.

Meanwhile, until the end of the year that number increased to 30 percent and 50 percent in the next year. As a result, the premium is expected in 2019 are no longer in circulation.

"Next year lost 50 percent so 2019 could be lost all premium," he said in Jakarta, Friday (15/4).

Fuel Marketing Senior Vice President of Pertamina, M Iskandar said, the price difference between the increasingly thin non-subsidized fuel subsidies and open up opportunities for market changes. Users fuel subsidies actually moved into the non subsidized fuel.

This year, Iskandar estimated migration BBM users may widen. The reason, said Iskandar, with the same value this year consumers can get higher quality products.

Another reason is due to pave new vehicles no longer fit when using premium fuel types. As is known, every two weeks the price of non-subsidized fuel adjusted. Thus, the downward trend in the consumption of diesel and gasoline will continue.

"With (nominally) the same money last year, can now be purchased (BBM) subsidy so that the downward trend of diesel and gasoline will continue," he said.

As is known, the price of non-subsidized fuel fell Rp200 per liter on March 30, 2016 ie 92 Rp7.550 Pertamax, Pertamax Plus 95 Rp8.550, Pertamina Dex Rp8.400 and Pertalite Rp 7,300 per liter. After that, the Government set a new price of fuel subsidy has decreased by Rp500 per liter ie Premium to Rp 6,450 per liter and diesel became 5.150 per liter.

The first three months of 2016, the Ministry of Energy recorded fuel consumption touched 11.7 million kilo liters (KL). Meanwhile, the biggest consumption is kind ron 88 (premium) ie 6.48 million KL; diesel 3.88 million; ron 92 (pertamax) 742 738 KL; ron 90 (pertalite) 376 395 KL; ron 95 (pertamax plus) as many as 43 336 KL; kerosene and fuel oil 153 886 43 954 KL KL
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