Crazy About Ahok, Support or Frenetic Images from Jakarta Residents?

Sabtu, 09 April 2016 - 05:05 WIB
Crazy About Ahok, Support...
Crazy About Ahok, Support or Frenetic Images from Jakarta Residents?
JAKARTA - These days, residents of Jakarta was presented with frenetic leadership candidates to fill almost every corner of life. Starting from the conversation in a coffee shop, warm conversation in the cafe, the spectacle on television to a myriad of information entered and pierced through social media.

Uproar was now increased with the advent of a song whose lyrics are unique and flicked the phenomenon of leaders of the capital. The songs are thick with shades of Betawi culture highlights the phenomenon in which almost every corner, people in Jakarta to discuss figure of the incumbent governor, Basuki T Purnama or familiarly called Ahok.

The song is titled Crazy About Ahok sung by Betawi
Ora artist, Hizrah Bacan, recently began to fills sound the room to hear the people of Jakarta. The lyrics are simple, filled with shades of Betawi telling phenomenon Jakarta people who talk Ahok with all the style in leading the capital.

Consider just a poem excerpt:
"In Facebook
crazy about Ahok, on Twitter crazy about Ahok, in Youtube crazy about Ahok, on TV crazy about Ahok ..
..Si Eneng crazy about Ahok, si Entong crazy about Ahok, my mother
crazy about Ahok, my father crazy about Ahok ...
..In Market noisier Ahok, politicians noisier Ahok, Jakarte fuss about
Ahok, all fuss about Ahok... "

At first glance, verse above tells the people of Jakarta phenomenon everywhere talking Ahok central figure is phenomenal because of his leadership style. Coupled with efforts broke down the "other" competing political gain sympathy and support ahead of the 2017 gubernatorial election.

"Ah..the song still seems strong support to Ahok. I still listen so," said Somad, a resident of Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta when asked to comment.

He suspects the song was intentionally created in order to support advanced Ahok in Jakarta
2017 Gubernatorial Election.

But other opinions expressed from Wawan. Resident of Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta view is not merely the song as a form of support for Ahok.

"Yes, indeed phenomenon in the song
tells true. Residents of Jakarta is indeed everywhere else tells Ahok," he said.

Wawan himself admitted that he was not too see this song as a form of support for Ahok. Wawan quote another verse in this song lyric that also contains a call to stop the blasphemous slander and vilify each other among fellow candidates leader Jakarta.

"I agree with invitation in the song that invites citizens of Jakarta to maintain harmony, still get along and together build Jakarta whoever the leader," said Wawan.

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