Give Guidance and Don't Exaggerated Zaskia Case

Senin, 21 Maret 2016 - 13:19 WIB
Give Guidance and Dont...
Give Guidance and Don't Exaggerated Zaskia Case
JAKARTA - Insistence legal process for dangdut singer, Zaskia Gothic who has been abused because Pancasila as a symbol of the state, not fully justified by the public and received full support.

"Yes, should be reprimanded only if feel it's a violation," said Jakarta Governor, Basuki T Purnama when watching Comic 8 movie, recently.

According to the man who is familiarly called Ahok, what do Zaskia still within reasonable limits, and not something to be exaggerated.

That thing also expressed by Betawi Ora public figures, Hizrah Bacan. He considers Zaskia merely as victims.

"Why would I call that, because Zaskia is victim of loss efforts towards understanding and appreciation the principles of the state guidelines," said Hizrah.

Zaskia, he said, do not be prosecuted. Precisely should be embraced and gived guidance.

"(Zaskia) is not no such intention, it was him innocent. She was the nation's children too, should be fostered," said the man who also a dangdut singer.

If later dangdut singer who was familiarly called Neng up in prison as a result of this, Hizrah blames the people's representatives who sit in the House of Representatives (DPR).

"They are a people of the father did not do anything. Why do they even blasphemous, rather than build. When it comes to justice, where justice," he said.

Precisely this incident should be a momentum for all the elements to return contemplating understanding of the concept of nationalism, statehood and culture.

"Appreciation, guidance and implementation of Pancasila I think needs to be reinstated. With the record, how adapted to current circumstances. The method of delivery is not boring and easily accepted today's young generation," he concluded.
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