China Interested Investing Aerocity of Kertajati Airport

Senin, 21 Maret 2016 - 07:05 WIB
China Interested Investing...
China Interested Investing Aerocity of Kertajati Airport
BANDUNG - Chinese company Commercial Aircraft Corporation of Chon (COMAC) has expressed interest to invest in the aerocity of Kertajati International Airport in Subang, West Java.

"The aircrft producer of China is exploring the possibility of opening a maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) at the airport," the regional administration secretary of West Java province, Iwa Karniwa said on Sunday (20/3).

He said COMAC has asked for the West Java provincial administration to facilitate its interest especially with regard to certainty over land availability at the aerocity and near the Kertajati airport.

"COMAC wishes for accommodation of its land needs which, at the initial stage, reaches 43 hectares for use to maintain up to 200 aircraft," he said.

He said COMAC has targeted MRO development at Kertajati because its location is considered more strategic geographically than other locations in Southeast Asia and Asia. Chinese company initially targeted Singapore and Malaysia as its aircraft maintenance center. As the company is still exploring it has not yet set the exact investment it would put.

"Seeing the land to be needed and the number of aircraft to be served I predict the value of investment would be huge. It could be worth trillion rupiahs, " he said.

The Indonesia government has planned to develop the Kertajati airport into an international one.
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