When Ahok Could be 'Whisperer'

Jum'at, 04 Maret 2016 - 22:03 WIB
When Ahok Could be Whisperer
When Ahok Could be 'Whisperer'
JAKARTA - Have you ever felt annoyed when seriously watching movies in the cinema, the audience next to you ceaselessly continue to speak to their neighbor?

Maybe it could happen at the time of normal conditions, but which occurred on Friday (4/3) afternoon in Jakarta Theatre is not the case. Inside the theater a lot of voice whisper from a friend who sits beside you watching.

Yes... dozens of blind was intentionally invited to watch movie together
(nobar) titled Jingga by Jakarta Governor, Basuki T Purnama (Ahok) along with several agency heads in the ranks of city government. Of course this is only the blind could hear the sound of movies playing. And to know the details of the scene, they rely on the whispers beside them.

Even Ahok also for the first time into the whisperer for Y Tribagio, a special-ed teacher in Bandung sitting beside him.

"Mr Ahok not only watch, but also so whisperer Mr Tri," says director of Jingga, Lola Amaria after watching.

Tribagio, a character who inspired in Jingga film admitted that he was very enthusiastic when the governor told him the story line in the film.

"Excited. Incredible for me. He dab me, whisper (scene) again," he said.

He explained, that in fact
Ahok never served as whisperer. However, the former East Belitung regent was then invited to sit together in the cinema.

"Unconsciously she finally explained. Although I actually already know the story, but there is also that I do not know, after he described, I came to know," said Tri.

After watching, Ahok said he deliberately took the agency heads in its ranks for watching social themed films to make them sensitive to social problems and public services.

"In order to understand how it can serve citizens better, let them also literate. Out directly watch Kadishub I asked, and she immediately replied understand about what is needed for persons with disabilities in Jakarta," said Ahok.

Jingga film itself tells about the life of a blind
teenager in Bandung, precisely in Schools State A (SLBNA) starring Hifzane Bon, Hany Valery, Qausar HY, Aufa Assegaf, Isa Raja Loebis, Joshua Pandelaki, Ray Sahetapy, Keke Soeryokusumo and Nina Tamam.
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