Revealed...This Weird Sound Which Apollo 10 Crew Heard

Senin, 22 Februari 2016 - 17:31 WIB
Revealed...This Weird...
Revealed...This Weird Sound Which Apollo 10 Crew Heard
NEW YORK - This is the recording of the moment astronauts heard 'weird space music' over the radio as they flew round the dark side of the moon. The audio footage was unearthed as it was revealed the crew of Apollo 10 heard odd noises shortly before landing back to earth.

Apollo 10 orbited the moon just two months before Neil Armstrong's famous landing. It was during that mission that they heard mysterious and unexplainable 'music' on its far side. Now, the recording has been unearthed in a new documentary on the Science Channel.

So baffled were the astronauts by the noise they were unsure whether or not to report it back down to NASA’s mission control. The eerie space encounter happened in 1969 when Apollo 10 entered lunar orbit.

The crew traversed the far side of the moon, when all spacecraft are out of radio contact with Earth for about an hour and nobody can see or hear them. The mission, which paved the way for Armstrong’s Apollo 11 flight in July, was recorded to be a huge success with no reported problems.

However, recently unearthed recordings made by NASA of the journey show the astronauts reacting with surprise and confusion to an uneasy howling noise in their headsets. At one point the baffled astronauts can be heard discussing whether they should tell NASA command or not.

“You hear that? That whistling sound? Whooooo” one of them is heard saying.

Another astronaut says: “It sounds like, you know, outer space-type music.’"

“Well, that sure is weird music,” his companion agrees.

The recordings containing "strange, otherworldly music coming through the Apollo module's radio," were uncovered by America’s Science Channel series NASA's Unexplained Files.

The 'music' lasted almost an hour and just before they regained contact with Mission Control. The tapes also recorded the crew discussing whether to keep it a secret from NASA.

One astronaut is heard saying: ”It's unbelievable. You know? Shall we tell them about it?”

His colleagues replies: "I don't know. We ought to think about it."

The transcripts of the Apollo 10 mission were classified and untouched in NASA's files until eight years ago.

On the show, Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden says: “The Apollo 10 crew was very used to the kind of noise that they should be hearing.

"Logic tells me that if there was something recorded on there, then there was something there.”

The programme discusses some of the possible reasons for the sound, which include a magnetic field or atmosphere interfering with the radio. However according to experts on the programme, the moon has no magnetic field and not enough atmosphere to cause such sounds, so their origin remains a mystery.
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