This Year, Padjadjaran University Exempt Faculty of Medicine Fee

Minggu, 21 Februari 2016 - 21:27 WIB
This Year, Padjadjaran...
This Year, Padjadjaran University Exempt Faculty of Medicine Fee
BANDUNG - Padjadjaran University (Unpad) eliminate the cost of education for new students who will enter the Faculty of Medicine.

"We eliminate the cost of education for students who entered this year," said Coordinator of Entrance Selection Padjadjaran University, Heriadi Denie told a press conference BTA Group Education Seminar here on Sunday (21/2).

He explained, that the cost-free due to the cooperation between Unpad and a number of local governments in West Java. However, prospective students must sign an agreement bond.

"The bond department to be placed anywhere in the region of West Java," he said.

Denie acknowledged, that some areas in West Java experiencing a shortage of medical staff specialized doctors.

Therefore it, Unpad cooperated with the local authorities in providing medical staff.

"The length of time served same with year of college. So, if they five years college, had served for five years," he said.

Cost of free tuition fees only, not include everyday needs. And for this year, the capacity for the Faculty of Medicine is 250 students.

"We only knew two admission, the National Selection of Higher Education (SNMPTN) and the Joint College Entrance Selection (SBMPTN). So, divided into two, namely 125 through SNMPTN and 125 more than SBMPTN," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Guidance Test Alumni (BTA) Hasahatan Manullang said that if the comparison between the test SNMPTN and SBMPTN, students actually prefer the written test SBMPTN because it is considered more fair.

"If we compare the two tests, students prefer SBMPTN because SNMPTN only of grades and we know for yourself what kind," he said.
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