Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train Projects Violate Nawacita

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2016 - 23:14 WIB
Jakarta-Bandung Fast...
Jakarta-Bandung Fast Train Projects Violate Nawacita
JAKARTA - Severe criticism over the fast train project Jakarta-Bandung reappeared. This time it involves one of the campaign promises Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla (JK).

Fast train projects Jakarta-Bandung considered a violation of Nawacita which has been echoed by governments Joko Widodo-JK. There are coercion in the will of the government-owned infrastructure projects.

"The imposition of the will of the construction of a fast train Jakarta-Bandung project can be a bad precedent in governance," said Director of the Indonesian Forum for Environment (WALHI), Zaenal Muttaqien at Jakarta.

Furthermore Zaenal said, poor governance can be seen from the many regulations about licensing procedures development plans. Besides bad in terms of governance, the development of fast train from Jakarta to Bandung also can disrupt the harmony of the environment in the path of the railway construction.

"Regarding the environmental harmony, fast trains have violated EIA-making procedures, and then in terms of state land acquisition, asset disposal rule still leaves the problem, nor in other legal obligations," said Zaenal.

He also said that if the collision with existing law would be potentially destructive to the law in Indonesia. In addition, due to the rush of the fast train burunya development, Zaenal assess, President Jokowi had violated its own promise to revolutionize mental Indonesian nation.

On the issue of land acquisition, construction of fast trains is predicted to require a land area of
construction of fast trains is predicted to require a land area of 650 hectares. As for who needs to be freed as many as 500 hectares.

Land acquisition should be done fast train from Karawang to Purwakarta, since most of the land is located in the second district. In addition, most also still the property of the citizens.

Meanwhile, from the Halim Perdanakusuma, East Jakarta, land use is an area beside the toll area until Karawang, then cut toward the Jatiluhur. After that, around the road toll continues to Padalarang, Cimahi, until Tegalluar.

Currently, the railway construction project quickly Jakarta-Bandung use Perhutani land in the area of 55 hectares at Karawang. In detail, long reach approximately 11 kilometers and a width of between 40 and 50 meters.

Because the land is in forest areas of production, PT Fast Train Indonesia China (KCIC) as a developer, have to find replacement land has doubled, which is 110 hectares.

However, according to Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning or the National Land Agency (ATR / BPN) Ferry Mursyidan Baldan, land acquisition for the project fast train did not take long time, because the process will be aided by the local government in terms of socialization.
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