Upss..There're Trafficking of Indonesians to South Korea
Jum'at, 12 Februari 2016 - 16:38 WIB

Upss..There're Trafficking of Indonesians to South Korea
SEOUL - This warning for Indonesian people which want to work in South Korea. Indonesia embassy finding mode of human trafficking to South Korea, especially to Jeju.
"I appeal to Indonesian citizens everywhere to be alert and not be lured to become illegal workers in South Korea. The risk is much greater than the money one can get," said Indonesian Ambassador to South Korea, John Prasetio, Friday (12/2).
According to the ambassador, the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul has uncovered a fraud involving the trafficking of Indonesians to Jeju.
Several Indonesians have been promised work in South Korea without a visa by paying up to Rp 100 million.
Since the start of 2016, as many as 55 illegal Indonesian citizens have arrived in Jeju via Hong Kong. On arrival, they were picked up by a "broker" who then employed 44 people without legal protection, while eleven others were abandoned who then faced a shortage of daily necessities.
One of the victims admitted that every individual had to pay Rp 75 million to Rp 100 million. The embassy suspects links between individuals in Indonesia and the country's citizens residing in Korea.
The ambassador affirmed that the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul was cooperating with the local authorities and relevant agencies in Indonesia to address the problem.
In October 2015, five Indonesian citizens who worked as traffickers were arrested by the Korean authorities and had been on trial in November 2015. They were punished according to the rules in force in South Korea.
"I appeal to Indonesian citizens everywhere to be alert and not be lured to become illegal workers in South Korea. The risk is much greater than the money one can get," said Indonesian Ambassador to South Korea, John Prasetio, Friday (12/2).
According to the ambassador, the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul has uncovered a fraud involving the trafficking of Indonesians to Jeju.
Several Indonesians have been promised work in South Korea without a visa by paying up to Rp 100 million.
Since the start of 2016, as many as 55 illegal Indonesian citizens have arrived in Jeju via Hong Kong. On arrival, they were picked up by a "broker" who then employed 44 people without legal protection, while eleven others were abandoned who then faced a shortage of daily necessities.
One of the victims admitted that every individual had to pay Rp 75 million to Rp 100 million. The embassy suspects links between individuals in Indonesia and the country's citizens residing in Korea.
The ambassador affirmed that the Indonesian Embassy in Seoul was cooperating with the local authorities and relevant agencies in Indonesia to address the problem.
In October 2015, five Indonesian citizens who worked as traffickers were arrested by the Korean authorities and had been on trial in November 2015. They were punished according to the rules in force in South Korea.