Choose Snooze Instead Dhuhur Prayer, Surabaya Police Dry in The Sun

Kamis, 11 Februari 2016 - 14:34 WIB
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Choose Snooze Instead Dhuhur Prayer, Surabaya Police Dry in The Sun
SURABAYA - Tells about dicipline, this time Head of Sabhara Polrestabes Surabaya, Superintendent Toni Sugiyanto give lessons to his men, who instead to worship. Toni punish 78 subordinates who do not run dhuhur prayers in the Masjid Baiturrahman, Polrestabes Surabaya, Tuesday (9/10). Though they are not on duty and just relax.

Based report of Radar Surabaya (JPNN Group), the sanction began when Toni dhuhur prayers in congregation in the mosque. After prayers, Toni was surprised because not find a single one of its members who join congregational prayers in the mosque. Toni then went to the barracks to check on his men. When checked, Toni was surprised to see many of its members were just talking, sit back and lie down. He was furious!

She angry and immediately called all its members to march in front of the barracks of Dalmas Sabhara unit.
After that, he get sanctions in the form of physical exercise were given. The Dalmas
personnel then asked to push up and scout jump as much as 50 times. After that, Toni continued his sentence by ordering them to roll around the square in front of the barracks Dalmas.

Without dare dispute, all members Dalmas Sabhara young age obey the commander. Even with sweat streaming down the body and they wear brown shirts, the soldiers have to go through all instructions his commanders one by one. However, the punishment is not yet finished. Toni back instruct its members to sleep on her back on the field with position staring at the sun for approximately one hour.

"At least they (Sabhara, red) participated in the congregational prayers Dhuhur
and Asr. They can also pray in the barracks since there already exist mushala. But, it was not done," he said.
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