About Fast Train, Jokowi Don't Fall to Minister Whisper

Jum'at, 22 Januari 2016 - 16:58 WIB
About Fast Train, Jokowi...
About Fast Train, Jokowi Don't Fall to Minister Whisper
JAKARTA - Many things are unacceptable to common sense and irrational in the fast train project Jakarta-Bandung. This view is shared economic observer, University of Indonesia (UI) Faisal Basri.

He asked President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) do not fall with the relevant ministers whisper for fast train projects Jakarta-Bandung route.

"Basic principle for fast train was a passenger. So there are things that are difficult rationally acceptable to common sense. The opening in the region Walini economy. People from Jakarta or Bandung, works on it's weird. Unless it is a tourist area," Basri said at Jakarta, Friday (22/1).

Former Chairman of the Governance Reform Oil and Gas is actually suspicious of the process beginning to end this project. According to him, Jokowi has one receiving input from ministers about the project. Moreover, the route chosen was the Jakarta-Bandung which not suitable for fast train.

"I'm more interested in examining how this process initially. I still believe the same pack Jokowi, but I think he accepts input all sorts," he continued.

This INDEF senior economist also questioned the connection of this project with loans granted to three banks State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), PT Bank Mandiri (Persero), PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) each -masing $ 1 billion from China.

"What to do with loans to Mandiri, BNI and BRI that each $ 1 billion. It's to do what? So I have to be open and brightly lit so that Mr. Jokowi not be misled by his aides that his ministers. It should be clear because there is no rationality fast KA Jakarta-Bandung," he said.
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