Let's Introduced Tawan, Indonesian 'Iron Man'

Selasa, 19 Januari 2016 - 12:59 WIB
Lets Introduced Tawan,...
Let's Introduced Tawan, Indonesian 'Iron Man'
DENPASAR - If US had Iron Man, Indonesia also had that. Although not as Tony Stark which backed huge funds, but the simple man from Bali with all its limitations is able to create a hydraulic robot arm like the Iron Man.

This man is I Wayan Sumardana Sutawan alias alias Tawan (31), from Banjar Tauman, Nyuhtebel village, Bali. He was dubbed by local residents as a robot human. He is able to design their own robots which paralyzed his left hand drive in order to work for a living to support the family.

As reported Balipost, in his workshop in Banjar Tauman, roadside Candidasa-Tenganan, Pageringsingan, this Denpasar Engineering high school graduate works as a welder. He weld various iron from the junkyard to be designed into a variety of home furnishings that are orders of people.

Tawan live with his wife, Ni Nengah Sudartini and his three children are still small. Because his condition, he designed his own robot to move his left hand. Without the arm robot, he can not work.

His illness was started six months ago. Doctors said he suffered a mild stroke and make paralyzed his left hand. Doctors also quite surprised, because his cholesterol and blood pressure is normal. Moreover, he is young and normal weight.

Paralyzed conditions had made him stress. Moreover, her family can not afford. His wife does not work, while his son is still small. However, he tried to get up. Armed with a knowledge of electronics. He was looking for information on internet sites or similar tool to design a robot that could help move her left hand.

The robot was largely drafted yourself of junk. There is a component of the motorcycle shock, there is also an electronic device computer from the wreckage. Various designs had been tried, until the fifth time. Finally he wore robot type which named EEG.

''The tool is not perfect, but is tolerable helped me. Without these tools I am completely unable to work using the left hand. However, with this assistance, loading heavy loads able too. With this tool, its power is much greater,'' he said.

Tawan was demonstrated with lifting a 10 kg car rim with a right hand and feel heavy. But with the left hand which driven robot, he raised the scrap metal it lightly.

''Using this robot, signal drained my brain. I have to think of concentration or focus on any object that would be taken or what to do. If you do not focus, must trouble. So it is necessary to focus the brain to instruct the robot,'' he said.
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