Bowie Dead, Japanese Youth Cut His Arms

Rabu, 13 Januari 2016 - 14:49 WIB
Bowie Dead, Japanese...
Bowie Dead, Japanese Youth Cut His Arms
HOKKAIDO - The announcement of David Bowie’s passing certainly came as a terrible shock, but perhaps just as shocking is the news of one Japanese fan’s attempted suicide in response to the star’s death.

As reported Shankei News, on January 11, Yuki Shioda, 25 year old was taken into custody by local authorities in Sapporo, Hokkaido, for brandishing a utility knife in an apparent attempt to take his own life upon hearing about the death of rock legend David Bowie.

Shioda, now unemployed, was apprehended outside of his former place of work, a shipping company located in Sapporo’s Chuo Ward, where he had reportedly planned to commit suicide in front of onlookers. After dropping the utility knife between fits of shouting, police rushed to apprehend Shioda, arresting him on violation of the Firearms and Sword Control Law.

Fortunately, no one included Shioda was hurt in the incident, however this isn’t the first time a Japanese youth has contemplated suicide after losing an influential music idol, with multiple suicide attempts reported followed the passing of X Japan guitarist and solo artist hide almost 18 years ago.

Though the news of Bowie’s death was a blow to music fans around the world, one can’t help but think the musician would have wanted fans like Shioda to keep both himself and the music alive instead of rushing to follow him to the grave.

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