This the Reason ICW Reported Attorney General's Office and National Police

Senin, 21 Desember 2015 - 20:57 WIB
This the Reason ICW...
This the Reason ICW Reported Attorney General's Office and National Police
JAKARTA - The Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has reported the Attorney General's Office and the National Police to the Public Information Commission (KIP) for failing to provide the public with data about corruption cases. These corruption cases pertain to the period from 2010 to 2014.

The two institutions also failed to respond to the request for budget information and the number invigilators for corruption cases at all the police stations and public prosecutor's offices across Indonesia, Lais Abid of the ICW Investigation Division said in a press statement released on Monday.

Abid said the ICW reported the two institutions to the KIP on December 14 as per Law No. 14/2008 on Public Information Disclosure. The KIP will act as a go between for the two sides regarding this issue, he said.

He said the ICW monitored the way the two law enforcement agencies handled various corruption cases. Several people have been named suspects in these cases.

Based on the results of such monitoring by the ICW, 1,169 corruption cases in which losses worth Rp9.6 trillion were accrued to the state, remain unclear.

These include 857 cases handled by the public prosecutor's offices and 304 cases handled by the police.

The ICW also asked the two agencies to reveal the amount of budget fund allocated to them and the corruption cases they handled at the National Police Headquarters, the Attorney General's Office, provincial police, district police and public prosecutor's offices across Indonesia.

"The information is important to understand the amount of budget allocated and how the fund has been used in handling the corruption cases by each unit at the public prosecutor's office and the police," he said.
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