Jonan: Leaders Must Give Sample!

Jum'at, 11 Desember 2015 - 14:05 WIB
Jonan: Leaders Must...
Jonan: Leaders Must Give Sample!
BANDUNG - Ministry of Communications (Menhub) Ignatius Jonan, share tips on how to manage the institutions and the role of a leader.

These tips expressed Jonan as a speaker seminar contrast to Change at Sasana Budaya Ganesha, Bandung, Thursday, December 10, 2015.

According to him, the leader of the institution or organization should be a good example for subordinates. Thus, he said, men would judge their leaders as being exemplary.

"The most important thing that a leader must be able to give the example," said Jonan.

In managing the institution, he said, leaders should not be based on proximity primordial, for example emphasizes SARA.

"It should not be, especially if the big institutions," said Jonan in an event held on the sidelines of the 2015 Anti-Corruption Festival.

Former Director of PT Kereta Api Indonesia it also reminds organizations should prioritize performance and integrity of all members.

"The performance and integrity, it should be one," said Jonan.

According to her, an institution should reward employees who perform well. "The promotion should be obvious achievement," said Jonan.
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