Gedung Sate Exist in Petaling Jaya

Jum'at, 27 November 2015 - 21:15 WIB
Gedung Sate Exist in...
Gedung Sate Exist in Petaling Jaya
PETALING JAYA - Today, the Mayor of Bandung, Bandung Ridwan Kamil inaugurated Bandung Monument in the city of Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. This inauguration is part of the sister city cooperation that has been established between the city of Bandung and Petaling Jaya recently. This monument is shaped Gedung Sate miniature.

"Interpret the two cities allied cooperation towards ASEAN Economic Community of mutual respect and mutual benefit. Hatur Nuhun," said Ridwan Kamil, Friday (27/11).

Previously, Bandung also has established several monuments that symbolize its sister city cooperation with cities like Fortworth in the US, Braunschweig in Germany, Suwon in South Korea and Liuzhou in China.

To be known. sister city cooperation begins with the Letter of Intent (LoI) which indicates the relationship of cooperation between cities is already done entering the assessment process and continued at the stage of signing the LoI. This signing shows that the desire to work together to get a positive response from each party.

Furthermore, the processes to enhance the cooperative relationship sister city into the level of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) as a gateway to the legal basis for the implementation of the sister city partnership that binds both parties. It is intended that the sister city cooperation that has bound international law can be very beneficial both for the Municipality of both parties or the public both cities.
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