What Are Participants Brought to HMI Congress? Check This Out!

Senin, 23 November 2015 - 15:37 WIB
What Are Participants...
What Are Participants Brought to HMI Congress? Check This Out!
PEKANBARU - After the clash between students of Himpunan Mahasiwa Islam (HMI) Pekanbaru and students from Makassar, hundreds of police and military personnel conducted a raid against thousand of students participating the HMI Congress in Makassar. During the raid, police confisticated two home made firearms and a number of sharp weapons.

The raids by Polresta Pekanbaru, Polda Riau and Army, were held at two locations which were known as the place where the the students stayed. The first location is GOR Remaja Pekanbaru and Kampus UNRI Gobah.

The students were running in panic as the law enforcements besieged the GOR building which held the students from Makassar and Ambon. Some of them tried to hide the proof and some was caught in the act. After the raids, the officers gathered all the students who were advised not to provoke any clash.

"During the raids, we're secured some home made fire arms. There are also dagger, knife, hoe. Some of them were caught in the act, and some, we just found on the location," said Pekanbaru Police Chief Kombes Aries Syarif Hidayat on Monday (23/11/2015).

All of the stuffs found during the raid brought to the Pekan Baru's police headquater. "It is very regretful that the students who are educated did this improper act. We reiterate whoever does this such improper act will be dealt firmly," he said.
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