Imam Send Gatot Represent Ad Hoc Committee

Kamis, 19 November 2015 - 18:45 WIB
Imam Send Gatot Represent...
Imam Send Gatot Represent Ad Hoc Committee
JAKARTA - Finnaly, Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nahrawi sent representatives to become members of the Ad Hoc Committee on the reform of Indonesian football. Imam pointed Kemenpora spokesman, Gatot S Dewa Broto, as the only representative of the government in team formed after the visit of representatives of FIFA and the AFC to Indonesia.

"Certainly Mr Gatot must enter the team, because that follow from the initial team of nine, the transition team. Do not I'm," said Imam Nahrawi in Jakarta.

The arrival of FIFA and AFC delegation to Indonesia in early November aimed at helping Indonesia search for solutions to problems existing football. After meeting with a number of elements, ranging from governments, PSSI, players, PT Liga Indonesia, to media representatives, FIFA and the AFC agreed to establish an Ad Hoc Committee that runs under FIFA statutes. But the government also formed another team called the Small Team.

In contrast to the Ad Hoc Committee which is inhabited by various elements, Small Team plans will only be filled by the government alone. Initially, the government filed an objection because it did not know the name of the Ad Hoc Committee ToR. But the priest said he did not object to the FIFA plan.

"The deal yesterday only the government's, FIFA and AFC, not the other party yesterday anyway. But if then FIFA looked at them need to be involved, yes go ahead. If they were all involved in the acceleration of the settlement, that's good," said Imam.
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