Finance Minister Ask Dean Monitor Economic Development

Kamis, 19 November 2015 - 13:47 WIB
Finance Minister Ask...
Finance Minister Ask Dean Monitor Economic Development
PONTIANAK - Finance Minister, Bambang Brodjonegoro, asked all deans and professors of economics who are members of the Faculty of Economics and Business Association of Indonesia to monitor economic developments in their respective regions and to provide recommendations to the government to maintain the stability of the national economy.

"I think this is very important, because if it was not an expert in economics, of ordinary people will be difficult to monitor an economic development," he said while attending the National Seminar and Congress Afebi 3rd, in Pontianak on Thursday (19/11).

In addition to fulfilling the task in running Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi, expected lecturer and dean in the faculty can participate in monitoring the economic developments in their respective regions, he said.

He explained that currently guarded by the government is economic stability.

"If it is stable, can only seek to encourage its growth," he said.

According to him, stability is important because when there was the incident in 1997 in which Indonesia has experienced tremendous growth, but stability is not maintained. As a result of the Indonesian economy immediately collapsed. Currently, a condition that occurs in could threaten global economic stability.

"Related to that, the role economics professor and dean at the faculty in Indonesia has been very important because, if economic development can be monitored, but there are problems, of course we can quickly take precaution," he said.

Bambang added that the government will seek to maintain economic stability. Which will be driven government is the realization of government spending and private investment.

"The realization of state spending is what will the government strived to be absorbed and encourage greater growth," he said.

Earlier, the Economic Observer West Kalimantan, Prof. Eddy Suratman expect activity to the 3rd Congress Afebi it can make a major contribution to the government's economic policy.

"The congress will be attended by the dean of the faculty of economics of all universities in Indonesia. So, later in the congress it will be made some kind of regulation and recommendations on economic policy to the government," he said.

He hoped, regulations and recommendations issued by the Afebi, could give a positive impact to the Indonesian economy in general and West Kalimantan in particular.

Eddy pointed out in the first and second congress, the recommendations and regulations issued from the congress Afebi impact on fiscal policy issued by the government, where Afebi asking for the government to allocate more funds to the state budget than in the central region.

"However, the results of the new policy be felt next year. Where the portion of the state budget amounting to Rp 872 trillion in fund balance for the area, then a budget of Rp 870 trillion for the ministries," he said.

Other The result, he added, when the government experienced difficult conditions the weakening of the rupiah. Jokowi-JK government invited the dean of the economics faculty who are members of this association to get input.

"So from the input is heard, the government also issued several policy packages. From one to four. Obviously the recommendations given was based on studies that have been done," said Eddy.
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