'The Rise of Java', Explore of Javanese Culture with Music and Fashion

Jum'at, 27 Oktober 2017 - 07:18 WIB
The Rise of Java, Explore...
'The Rise of Java', Explore of Javanese Culture with Music and Fashion
JAKARTA - In order to explore the history of Java land richness through music and fashion, 'The Rise of Java' event will be held on November 5 at the Open Ramayana Ballroom Theater, Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta. This event will be packed interesting and more special than other musical performances.

This performance will be opened with Ramayana Ballet performance. Then proceed with performances divided in four rounds, each representing the development of the civilization of the archipelago. Each round will showcase the design of fashion and music that represents each era of the development of that civilization.

Various designs of fashion designer clothing will also be present in the event that took place at 19.00-21.30 pm. They are Afif Syakur (Yogyakarta), Philip Iswardono (Yogyakarta) Didiet Maulana (Jakarta) and Lenny Agustin (Jakarta).

Dwiki Dharmawan as Music Director with Dwiki Dharmawan Worldpeace Orchestra is believed to accompany the music at the event. A number of famous singers will also fill the event such as Andien, Rafly Kande, Sruti Respati and Wizzy.

"Speaking of 'The Rise of Java', the meaning is wide where Java as a whole, I will bring two musical instruments that are rarely used and very old," said Dwiki in Jakarta on Thursday (26/10).
'The Rise of Java', Explore of Javanese Culture with Music and Fashion

Meanwhile the jazz singer, Andien admitted very challenged in this event.

"Imagine, singing in Prambanan, in the middle of a full moon," Andien said.

Will feature three of her songs and one other song, Andien promising her appearance later in the show 'The Rise of Java' will amaze.

"For me, sing almost every day, but singing on shows like this would be unusual. Especially in Prambanan and in the middle of a full moon. I'm very excited," she added.
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