So Strange... This Trial Not Attended by Defendant and Prosecutor

Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017 - 05:01 WIB
So Strange... This Trial...
So Strange... This Trial Not Attended by Defendant and Prosecutor
JAKARTA - Still remember the case of allegedly theft, embezzlement and falsification of marriage certificate which was issued by Letter of Inquiry Termination Order (SP3) by the Director of Reserse and General Criminal (Direskrimum) Jakarta Police who was then held by the Kombes Krishna Murti?

The case, which was decided to continue its investigation by South Jakarta District Court ruling, now entered first session on Thursday (19/10). Surprisingly, the inaugural session this time was not attended by the defendant, Sarah Susanti and the Public Prosecutor (JPU).

As a result of that, South Jakarta District Court postponed this trial of the marriage fraud case and the embezzlement of another man's property against the wife of the late Kombes Pol (Ret.) Agus Maulana Kasiman (former Chief of PJR Detachment, Ditlantas Polri), Melva Tambunan.

"The defendant Sarah Susianti is not present at the trial, and the prosecutor is also not present. So the trial is adjourned, one week usually," said North Jakarta clerk, Matthew B Sitorus SH on Thursday (19/10).

The first trial with number of cases: 1056/pin.b/2017/ pn.jkt.sel was scheduled to be led by judge Irwan SH MH with judge members, R Iswahyudi Widodo SH MH and Achmad Guntur SH MH.

Interestingly, not only invisible defendants, public prosecutor Yan Ervina did not appear to the courtroom. But Yan has recorded the attendance.

Defendant Sarah Susanti herself is currently a city prisoner. If next week she is not present at the trial again, it is likely that the judge could decide Sarah enter to the jail.

Related to this, Melva Tambunan admitted very disappointed with the postponement of this inaugural trial. She considered something odd.

"The defendant should have been present, because the trial is an opportunity for him to defend himself," Melva said.

She also expressed her disappointment with the prosecutor, Yan Ervina.

"The prosecutor should have defended or protected me, because I did not know that the defendant was not present and the prosecutor did not attend the court, and I should have the right to know what happened. The prosecutor should have told me before leaving the courthouse," Melva said.

Melva hopes that the trial of this case will be resumed and have fair verdict soon as possible.

"The defendant is still living in a non-resident official house and the assets of the deceased, some of which she has sold. While my children and me live in a private home," she said.

To note, this case began to emerge after the pre-trial court filings filed Melva Tambunan after the issuance of SP3 by Direskrimum Jakarta Police which was then held by Kombes Krishna Murti. The alleged case of theft, embezzlement and fraud of a marriage certificate involving a woman named Sarah Susanti is used by Sarah to control the official house and sell the assets belonging to (late) Agus, Melva's husband.
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