Marine Soldiers Rampage and Attacked Commander's House

Jum'at, 20 Oktober 2017 - 21:43 WIB
Marine Soldiers Rampage...
Marine Soldiers Rampage and Attacked Commander's House
MEDAN - A number of Marines from the Marine Infantry Battalion-8 Marines, Tangkahan Lagan, Pangkalan Berandan, North Sumatra raged and attacked the Commander of the 8th Infantry Battalion (Danyon) and Vice Commander (Wadanyon) Infantry-8 on Thursday (19/10).

The attack carried out by Marines troops guarding the end of the Northwest of Indonesia has resulted in the Danyonif-8 Marines Officer's house Lieutenant Colonel Mar Sudrajat Suhana Putra and Wadanyon 8 Marines Major Mar Yoppie Febrian Tanjung was ravaged by being beaten and pelted. Official car wreck and two motorcycle units burned.

This attack resulted in Danyonif-8 Mar and Wadanyon-Mar 8 injured. Both were attacked in his official home which resulted in a number of rooms and official cars damaged, even had scorched motorcycles burned.

From information collected, the attack of TNI AL-8 Tangkahan Lagan, Pangkalan Dressing, started on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 doing combat training in Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL). Hot weather resulted in three Marine personnel tired to dehydration, namely; Kopda Darianto, Praka Didi Sugeng and Praka Joko Suwito.

During the training site the three had received treatment of medical team Tonkes Yonif-8. But all three can not be brought down because the location of the exercise field can not be reached by ambulance.

However, Praka Joko Suwito's life was not saved and finally buried in Bulu Cina Furneral, Deli Serdang Regency.

Death of Praka Joko Suwito made his fellow Marines which guarding the end of the northwestern corner of Indonesia disappointed that eventually attacked the house of the Commander of the 8th Infantry Battalion. Lt. Col. Mar Sudrajat Suhana Putra SE MTr. Hanla and Major Mar Yoppie Febrian Tanjung. Marines were annoyed and demanded the commander's accountability for the deaths of their colleagues at the scene.

Meanwhile, Kadispen Lantamal I Major Laut (KH) Sahala Sinaga confirmed that he was not authorized to provide an explanation related to this riot. According to Sahala, TNI AL Battalion Infantri-8 under Pasmar 2 in command from Jakarta.

"It is true we are both Lantamal, but structurally there is no hierarchy, they go directly to Jakarta," said Sahala.
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