Down Drastically, Political Parties Registered The 2019 Election

Down Drastically, Political Parties Registered The 2019 Election
JAKARTA - It is not easy to be a political party for the election participants. Evidently, out of 73 political parties registered in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM), only 27 political parties have registered themselves as candidates for the 2019 General Election.
This number is known based on the number of political parties who handed over the management documents and their membership to the General Election Commission (KPU) until the closing of the registration of 00.00 pm Monday night. When compared with the 2014 election, this number dropped dramatically. At that time, the number of parties that signed up reached 46 parties. Although then the number was eliminated to 34 after the administrative research process, it shrank back to 12 parties after the factual verification process.
From 27 political parties, most register on the last day, ie 13 political parties. The parties are the National Awakening Party (PKB), People's Party, Democrat Party, United National Unity Party (PPB), Islam Damai Aman (Idaman) Party, Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKP), Indonesian Working Party (PIKA), Crescent Star Party (UN), Indonesian Employers and Workers Party, Swara Rakyat Indonesia (Parsindo) Party, Republik Party, Marhaenis PNI and Reform Party.
The political parties that have already signed up are the Persatuan Indonesia Party (Perindo), Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), National Mandate Party (PAN), Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Hanura Party, NasDem Party, Gerindra Party, United Development Party (PPP) and Golkar Party
Chairman of KPU, Arief Budiman who confirmed the shrinking number of political parties that register is reluctant to comment. According to him the work of election organizers is limited to carrying out the law regulation to open registration for parties with legal status and access the political party information system (Sipol) to register themselves as candidates for election 2019.
"So it is not appropriate if the question was submitted to us, because we only work according to the mandated," said Arief.
Similarly, KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan also stressed that the organizers focus is not on how many political parties register but the same opportunity for political parties to register themselves as candidates for election.
"The organizers' attention is aimed at the process after the registration process is closed overnight, ie completing the process of evaluating the newly submitted political party documents on the last day of registration," he said.
Based on the inspection process of the previous documents, KPU should at least take six hours to check the completeness of the submitted files. KPU has not been able to determine whether the parties submitting the documents on the last day are given further opportunities to complete the required file deficiencies. The new policy will be granted after the finished file inspection.
KPU has not been able to ascertain when the data in the Sipol can be known to the public at large. Public can access after all the registration process is complete.
Members of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja saw the decline in the interest of the party to register as a candidate for 2019 election participants can not be separated from the presence of sipol. Sipol has made the party more serious in handling administrative matters.
"That means the sipol makes barrier for entry," Bagja said.
According to him, what needs to be anticipated from the reduced number of signing parties is their potential (failed to register) using the disputed route in Bawaslu to get away as electoral participants.
As it is known, KPU has given access to 30 political parties to use Sipol as a registration medium.
"That possibility exists. The law is preparing its products, preparing its way for disputes. But we hope there will be no dispute, so political parties that can not get in we expect to understand about this system," Bagja said.
Meanwhile, the Researchers Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Fadli Ramadhanil see the quantity of parties that register to become participants in the 2019 election did indeed decrease compared to the previous election. On the other hand, this decline is good because it indicates a natural selection process in which a party with good consolidation will reveal its existence.
"In the sense that not everyone who makes political parties turns out to have an effort to become an election participant. We think this is something positive also because the party that should follow the election is a party that is well established and strong organizational both stewardship and also other aspects," said Fadli.
He also disagreed that the decrease in the number of applicants due to the difficulty of political parties accessing the Sipol. For him, this system would not be a problem if political parties had a stable base of organization, membership and organization.
"If then they do not have it, automatically they can not do anything," added Fadli.
Perindo Optimistic
Secretary General of Perindo Party, Ahmad Rofiq optimistic his party will pass the administrative and factual verification of 2019 election participants. According to him, Perindo Party has prepared 100 percent stewardship requirements at provincial, district/city and sub-district levels.
"It shows the readiness of perindo in terms of strength in the structure," Rofiq said.
According to Rofiq, the success of completing the requirements up to 100% also wants to prove that Perindo Party wants to be a big party in 2019 and accepted by the public.
"So Perindo's party is not just preparing the law, but we want with the formation of 100% in Maknai Perindo can be accepted by the community," he said.
![Down Drastically, Political Parties Registered The 2019 Election]()
Regarding the use of Sipol, Rofiq admits the system is not perfect, but still appreciates that this system is a good faith of the organizers to facilitate the political party to register its stewardship and membership.
"Actually this is part of the goodwill of the KPU to facilitate the party as a participant in the election, and some of the phasing process is actually not only verified, at the time of the pilgub as well," Rofiq said.
He acknowledges the constraints in the cypso more on technicalities such as the lack of a consistent system, and changes in the enrollment period, hence making the political party should adjust it immediately.
"So we hope the future of the cypress is ready from the beginning, so the parties can be firm when doing as required by law," he said.
Although Rofiq sees the problem as the impact of the delay in the enactment of the Election Law which resulted in the late PKPU ratification.
"The rule was present one week ago, so the party stuttered, the party experienced some difficulties, obstacles," added Rofiq.
From PKB to Idaman Party
National Awakening Party (PKB), for example, when applying to the KPU involving troops flag raisers and lion dances. In this application PKB carries 100 percent of provincial administrative documents, 75 percent of district/city administration documents, and 50 percent of sub-district administrative documents. PKB also simultaneously brought 20 DPP administration team to assist KPU in verification of administration.
"Deliberately our trip from the DPP carried the symbol of the great Pancasila Garuda, escorted paskibraka and T-shirt we pictured Pancasila and there lion," said DPP PKB secretary general Abdul Kadir Karding when registering at KPU Building, Jakarta.
In addition to Karding, registration was also followed by a number of members of the House of Representatives from PKB Fraction such as Lukman Edy, Arzetty Bilbina, Krisna Mukti, Ida Fauziah and Daniel Johan.
The registration of the Star Crescent Party (PBB) led directly Chairman Yusril Ihza Mahendra. In the registrations on Monday (16/10) night, They handed over 100 percent of provincial-level documents, 100 percentof districts/municipal documents (out of the required 75 percent), and 86 percent of sub district-level documents (from the required 50 percent), as well as prove the party membership data as per the requirements.
"So, everything is complete," said Yusril.
Chairman of the Idaman Party, Rhoma Irama also led his party directly when registering his party to the KPU. He believes all registration files have been met.
"We as human beings can only do three things, first work hard and struggle, the two pray, and the third is tawakal or surrender to Allah SWT," said Rhoma.
This number is known based on the number of political parties who handed over the management documents and their membership to the General Election Commission (KPU) until the closing of the registration of 00.00 pm Monday night. When compared with the 2014 election, this number dropped dramatically. At that time, the number of parties that signed up reached 46 parties. Although then the number was eliminated to 34 after the administrative research process, it shrank back to 12 parties after the factual verification process.
From 27 political parties, most register on the last day, ie 13 political parties. The parties are the National Awakening Party (PKB), People's Party, Democrat Party, United National Unity Party (PPB), Islam Damai Aman (Idaman) Party, Indonesian Justice and Unity Party (PKP), Indonesian Working Party (PIKA), Crescent Star Party (UN), Indonesian Employers and Workers Party, Swara Rakyat Indonesia (Parsindo) Party, Republik Party, Marhaenis PNI and Reform Party.
The political parties that have already signed up are the Persatuan Indonesia Party (Perindo), Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), National Mandate Party (PAN), Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Hanura Party, NasDem Party, Gerindra Party, United Development Party (PPP) and Golkar Party
Chairman of KPU, Arief Budiman who confirmed the shrinking number of political parties that register is reluctant to comment. According to him the work of election organizers is limited to carrying out the law regulation to open registration for parties with legal status and access the political party information system (Sipol) to register themselves as candidates for election 2019.
"So it is not appropriate if the question was submitted to us, because we only work according to the mandated," said Arief.
Similarly, KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan also stressed that the organizers focus is not on how many political parties register but the same opportunity for political parties to register themselves as candidates for election.
"The organizers' attention is aimed at the process after the registration process is closed overnight, ie completing the process of evaluating the newly submitted political party documents on the last day of registration," he said.
Based on the inspection process of the previous documents, KPU should at least take six hours to check the completeness of the submitted files. KPU has not been able to determine whether the parties submitting the documents on the last day are given further opportunities to complete the required file deficiencies. The new policy will be granted after the finished file inspection.
KPU has not been able to ascertain when the data in the Sipol can be known to the public at large. Public can access after all the registration process is complete.
Members of the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja saw the decline in the interest of the party to register as a candidate for 2019 election participants can not be separated from the presence of sipol. Sipol has made the party more serious in handling administrative matters.
"That means the sipol makes barrier for entry," Bagja said.
According to him, what needs to be anticipated from the reduced number of signing parties is their potential (failed to register) using the disputed route in Bawaslu to get away as electoral participants.
As it is known, KPU has given access to 30 political parties to use Sipol as a registration medium.
"That possibility exists. The law is preparing its products, preparing its way for disputes. But we hope there will be no dispute, so political parties that can not get in we expect to understand about this system," Bagja said.
Meanwhile, the Researchers Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) Fadli Ramadhanil see the quantity of parties that register to become participants in the 2019 election did indeed decrease compared to the previous election. On the other hand, this decline is good because it indicates a natural selection process in which a party with good consolidation will reveal its existence.
"In the sense that not everyone who makes political parties turns out to have an effort to become an election participant. We think this is something positive also because the party that should follow the election is a party that is well established and strong organizational both stewardship and also other aspects," said Fadli.
He also disagreed that the decrease in the number of applicants due to the difficulty of political parties accessing the Sipol. For him, this system would not be a problem if political parties had a stable base of organization, membership and organization.
"If then they do not have it, automatically they can not do anything," added Fadli.
Perindo Optimistic
Secretary General of Perindo Party, Ahmad Rofiq optimistic his party will pass the administrative and factual verification of 2019 election participants. According to him, Perindo Party has prepared 100 percent stewardship requirements at provincial, district/city and sub-district levels.
"It shows the readiness of perindo in terms of strength in the structure," Rofiq said.
According to Rofiq, the success of completing the requirements up to 100% also wants to prove that Perindo Party wants to be a big party in 2019 and accepted by the public.
"So Perindo's party is not just preparing the law, but we want with the formation of 100% in Maknai Perindo can be accepted by the community," he said.

Regarding the use of Sipol, Rofiq admits the system is not perfect, but still appreciates that this system is a good faith of the organizers to facilitate the political party to register its stewardship and membership.
"Actually this is part of the goodwill of the KPU to facilitate the party as a participant in the election, and some of the phasing process is actually not only verified, at the time of the pilgub as well," Rofiq said.
He acknowledges the constraints in the cypso more on technicalities such as the lack of a consistent system, and changes in the enrollment period, hence making the political party should adjust it immediately.
"So we hope the future of the cypress is ready from the beginning, so the parties can be firm when doing as required by law," he said.
Although Rofiq sees the problem as the impact of the delay in the enactment of the Election Law which resulted in the late PKPU ratification.
"The rule was present one week ago, so the party stuttered, the party experienced some difficulties, obstacles," added Rofiq.
From PKB to Idaman Party
National Awakening Party (PKB), for example, when applying to the KPU involving troops flag raisers and lion dances. In this application PKB carries 100 percent of provincial administrative documents, 75 percent of district/city administration documents, and 50 percent of sub-district administrative documents. PKB also simultaneously brought 20 DPP administration team to assist KPU in verification of administration.
"Deliberately our trip from the DPP carried the symbol of the great Pancasila Garuda, escorted paskibraka and T-shirt we pictured Pancasila and there lion," said DPP PKB secretary general Abdul Kadir Karding when registering at KPU Building, Jakarta.
In addition to Karding, registration was also followed by a number of members of the House of Representatives from PKB Fraction such as Lukman Edy, Arzetty Bilbina, Krisna Mukti, Ida Fauziah and Daniel Johan.
The registration of the Star Crescent Party (PBB) led directly Chairman Yusril Ihza Mahendra. In the registrations on Monday (16/10) night, They handed over 100 percent of provincial-level documents, 100 percentof districts/municipal documents (out of the required 75 percent), and 86 percent of sub district-level documents (from the required 50 percent), as well as prove the party membership data as per the requirements.
"So, everything is complete," said Yusril.
Chairman of the Idaman Party, Rhoma Irama also led his party directly when registering his party to the KPU. He believes all registration files have been met.
"We as human beings can only do three things, first work hard and struggle, the two pray, and the third is tawakal or surrender to Allah SWT," said Rhoma.