Indonesia Special Hajj Quota Still 17 Thousand People

Senin, 16 Oktober 2017 - 07:11 WIB
Indonesia Special Hajj...
Indonesia Special Hajj Quota Still 17 Thousand People
JAKARTA - Indonesian government hopes for an additional increase in the special hajj quota for Indonesia, which now ranges from 17 thousand worshipers. To note, the quota is the number of basic quota after previously reduced to 13 thousand resulting from the construction of the Grand Mosque Haram in Mecca.

"We hope, there's always hope. But the problem is in Mina because in Mina it can not be widened. If we talk in Mecca and Madinah there is no problem, but in Mina this is compacting. We have proposed to the Saudi Arabia government from three years ago for upgraded Mina, if possible two floors more freely," said Director of Umrah and Special Hajj Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), Muhajirin Yanis on the sidelines of Patuna Travel General Meeting Hajj Pilgrims 2018-2025 in Jakarta on Sunday (15/10).

Muhajirin also asserted that each travel which organizers special pilgrimage and umrah must notify all the developments related to the departure of pilgrims from long time ago.

"The condition (change, red) like this should be delivered in advance, but for this year there is an increase of services ie tents maktab which impact on price changes," said Muhajirin.
Indonesia Special Hajj Quota Still 17 Thousand People

On this occasion, President Director of PT Patuna Travel, Syam Resfiadi revealed several obstacles related to the implementation of special pilgrimage.

"During this time the Hajj Integrated Computing System (SISKOHAT) for special pilgrims are not up date, and re-consolidation is always too late. Not like regular pilgrims whose systems are open," Syam said.

He also revealed if nearly 200 more special hajj quotas each year are not used. If this could be minimized from begining, the possibility of unavailability of this special Hajj quota does not occur.

"Travel agent must standby any time in order to anticipate the change of number of pilgrims, or other solution is every travel agent has its own target," said Syam who also Chairman of the Association of Hajj Umrah and Inbound Indonesia (Asphurindo).
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