Zero Rupiah Down Payment, The Heaviest Promise of Anies-Sandi

Minggu, 15 Oktober 2017 - 05:59 WIB
Zero Rupiah Down Payment,...
Zero Rupiah Down Payment, The Heaviest Promise of Anies-Sandi
JAKARTA - Inauguration of Governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno will be held on Monday, 16 October 2017. Ahead of the inauguration, a series of vital jobs have been waiting to be done.

One of them is building a harmonious communication between executives with a number of parties to support performance in organizing Jakarta.

"In 100 days, Anies-Sandi must build harmonious communication with all stakeholders in Jakarta," said former Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta, Prijanto in Polemik Discussion of MNC Trijaya Radio with theme of 'New Leader Jakarta' in Jakarta on Saturday (14/10).

In develop Jakarta, Anies-Sandi, said Prijanto should not be picky friends. He suggested that the two new leaders of Jakarta invite all supporters and non-supporters to collaborate on building the capital. Collaboration is needed to reduce the political tension that had boiled during Jakarta Governorr Election some time ago.

Related to the development work program that will be done by Anies-Sandi, Prijanto asks both to continue the development program of the previous Governor's relics.

"If you can finish the program 2017, it is good," said Prijanto.

In addition, a series of Anies-Sandi political promises during the campaign also awaiting the realization. Of the many political promises, the Zero (0) Rupiah House Down Payment (DP) program is the heaviest promise of this couple.

"There are public expectations of the Anies-Sandi campaign promises summarized in 23 appointments. There are four promises that are very prominent," said politician Gerindra Jakarta, Syarif.

There are four Anies-Sandi appointments which will be the main focus. The four programs are One Sub-district One Entrepreneurship (OK OC), KJP Plus and KJS Plus, OK Trip and 0 Rupiah House Down Payment (DP).

Syarif said, from the four programs, 0 Rupiah House DP is quite heavy implemented.

"0 Rupiah House DP program is quite heavy. Please blessing for 0 Rupiah House DP," said Syarif.
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