Given Unworthy Consumption Rice, Poor People in West Kotawaringin Cried

Kamis, 12 Oktober 2017 - 18:33 WIB
Given Unworthy Consumption...
Given Unworthy Consumption Rice, Poor People in West Kotawaringin Cried
WEST KOTAWARINGIN - Residents of RT 10, Madurejo, South Arut subdistrict, West Kotawaringin (Kobar) district, Central Kalimantan, received one sack rice for poor people (raskin) containing 15 kg in poor quality on Thursday (12/10).

"This residents cried and came to me while showing me a sack of rice in 15 kg written Bulog with very bad conditions," said Chairman of RT 10 Madurejo, Mukri while showing the rice in West Kotawaringin.

Mukri explained, for twice the residents receive yellow, cracked and musty smell rice.

"Not worth for consumption. Two residents reported to me, they pay Rp30,000 per 15 kg this morning," he said.

Mukri represents his people, hoping that Bulog Sub Division of Pangkalan Bun wants to replace it with proper rice.

"If they can be replaced, poor people can not afford them," he said.

Head of Price and Market Section, Procurement and Public Service, Bulog Sub Divre of Pangkalan Bun, Habib said, if indeed the residents recipients received not feasible rice, can be returned to the village office for replaced with good rice.

"This may be only part of it, we apologize profusely. It was not intentional, because in the warehouses lot of rice and maybe there is a pass that gets the broken rice. We are ready to replace," he said.
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