BNN Say Shoot Dead for Drugs Dealer Not Violate Human Rights

BNN Say Shoot Dead for Drugs Dealer Not Violate Human Rights
JAKARTA - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) proposes a special punishment for narcotics perpetrators in Indonesia. The current imprisonment is considered to be ineffective in raising a deterrent effect so that the crime of narcotics continues to recur.
"There should be a special punishment, because the special crime is extraordinary. So the use of something also (must, red) extraordinary," said Chief of BNN, Commissioner General Budi Waseso at BNN Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/10).
The special punishment referred to by Budi Waseso is a firm action in the form of firing on the spot for the perpetrators of narcotic crime proven to be harmful and against the officers.
According to him, shooting dead in place does not violate human rights. What the officers did, he said to save the people and generations in future.
"We will not violate human rights because what we do to them who human rights violations," said the man who usually called Buwas.
The three-star general viewed unfairly the state's money was spent solely to support narcotics in prisons, while many of the perpetrators still run illegitimate businesses from behind jail.
"So it is very unfair for the nation to come forward, they commit crimes, financed by the state to eat, facilitated to keep them in existence," said Buwas.
"There should be a special punishment, because the special crime is extraordinary. So the use of something also (must, red) extraordinary," said Chief of BNN, Commissioner General Budi Waseso at BNN Building, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/10).
The special punishment referred to by Budi Waseso is a firm action in the form of firing on the spot for the perpetrators of narcotic crime proven to be harmful and against the officers.
According to him, shooting dead in place does not violate human rights. What the officers did, he said to save the people and generations in future.
"We will not violate human rights because what we do to them who human rights violations," said the man who usually called Buwas.
The three-star general viewed unfairly the state's money was spent solely to support narcotics in prisons, while many of the perpetrators still run illegitimate businesses from behind jail.
"So it is very unfair for the nation to come forward, they commit crimes, financed by the state to eat, facilitated to keep them in existence," said Buwas.