Rp18.9 Trillion Transfer Fund Case, Avoid Tax or Money Laundry?

Selasa, 10 Oktober 2017 - 06:10 WIB
Rp18.9 Trillion Transfer...
Rp18.9 Trillion Transfer Fund Case, Avoid Tax or Money Laundry?
JAKARTA - Fund transfer owned by Indonesian Citizen (WNI) from Standard Chartered Plc amounted to USD1.4 billion or about Rp18.9 trillion (exchange rate Rp13.500) to Singapore suspected to avoid the tax comes from 81 citizens.

Director General of Taxes, Ministry of Finance, Ken Dwijugiasteadi said his side received the first cash flow report from the analysis of the Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis Center (PPATK) submitted to the Finance Minister in several months ago.

According to Ken, from the data analysis results found the transfer of funds from 81 Indonesian citizens of Standard Chartered customers.

In dealing with it, his side, said Ken, will still pay attention to the Law of Taxation Article 34 and Law 11/2016 about Article 21 on Tax Amnesty.

"Indeed, there are some Indonesian citizens abroad doing asset transfer activities worth USD 1.4 billion or equivalent to Rp18.9 trillion to service providers in Singapore," said Ken in Jakarta on Monday (9/10)

From that condition, Ken added, taking into account the confidentiality of taxpayers, then his party said that the data obtained from PPATK through the Ministry of Finance in order to improve taxpayer compliance.

"In the data there are 81 Indonesian citizens with a data value of USD 1.4 billion, so I affirm not one person as reported. The number of 81 people," he said.

Continued Ken, after the research that is known as many as 62 people have followed the Tax Amnesty. There is currently a deepening of the data and coordination with PPATK. It has been done since two months ago.

Separately, Deputy Chief of Financial Transaction Analysis and Analysis Center (PPATK), Dian Ediana Rae confirmed if the analysis of money laundering criminal indictment (TPPU) allegedly committed a number of Indonesian customers in Standard Chartered Plc has been done since a few months ago. And the results have been sent by PPATK to the Directorate General of Taxes.

He continued, the provisional suspicion is the case related to tax breaches by avoiding or hiding assets in order to avoid tax evasion or tax fraud.

"What we are conveying is related to a number of companies and entrepreneurs of Indonesian citizens, however, whether or not the tax fraud suspicion depends on the investigation results of the DGT authorized for this matter," Dian said in Jakarta on Monday (9/10).

He also conveyed, for details should wait for the results of the DJP investigation of the results of the analysis, so as not to cause confusing information and not cause unnecessary noise. It also will continue to coordinate with the DGT or other law enforcement officers if there is a crime.

"Whether there is an indication of TPPU indication is possible. We will not rush to conclude that, PPATK still continue to explore the possibility of TPPU," she said.

Previously, there was news of the transfer of funds from Standard Chartered amounted to USD1.4 billion or equivalent Rp18.9 trillion owned by Indonesia citizens (WNI) from Guernsey to Singapore.

The case of transfer of funds from Guernsey, England to Singapore is alleged to avoid taxes and is being handled by European and Asian authorities.
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