Wow...This Game Can Make a Obedient Entrepreneur

Sabtu, 07 Oktober 2017 - 18:28 WIB
Wow...This Game Can...
Wow...This Game Can Make a Obedient Entrepreneur
JAKARTA - The presence of Zakat Game initiated by the National Institute of Amil Zakat (LAZNAS) Indonesia Zakat Initiative (IZI) is appreciated positively by Minister of National Development Planning (Bappenas)/Head of Bappenas, Bambang Brodjonegoro.

Bambang said, through the IZI Zakat Game, besides aiming to understand the science of zakat, also requires players to become entrepreneurs who pay zakat.

"The important thing of this Zakat Game is that we play but we also understand about the science of zakat, and then I notice this Zakat Game game educates us to be zealous entrepreneurs, because most of our trade results really have to be paid zakat," Bambang said in Jakarta on Friday (6/10).

He advised Zakat Game is to be pursued into a curriculum and extracurricular in Madrasah.

"Zakat is mandatory for the Muslims, then the number of youth in Indonesia is very much, especially Indonesia is one of the most populous muslim country in the world, so I suggest that Zakat Game is able to touch the young as well, if necessary try to make this game become a curriculum in Madrasahs throughout Indonesia," he said.

Bambang added, the reason why the youth are preferred. Because according to him, this young generation who will determine the fate of the Indonesian nation in the future.

"Because these young people will decide whether or not Indonesia will be prosperous later, so we have to support them," said Bambang.

For information, Zakat Game IZI resembles the popular Monopoly game on 1990s. If in Monopoly, the player with the most wealth will win, then in Zakat Game is the player who most often pay his zakat that will come out as the winner.
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