In New KPK Detention, Rita Will Join with Miryam S Haryani

Sabtu, 07 Oktober 2017 - 13:52 WIB
In New KPK Detention,...
In New KPK Detention, Rita Will Join with Miryam S Haryani
JAKARTA - After nine hours examined, Kutai Kertanegara (Kukar) Regent, Rita Widyasari was officially detained by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Lawyer of Rita Widyasari, Noval said, after the examination of Golkar Party politicians that had felt surprised at his detention. Moreover, this is the first time Rita undergo the examination as a suspect and immediately detained by the KPK.

"She was surprised, why immediately arrested? I think that's natural, humane," he explained.

Meanwhile, Rita still took the time to keep answering some questions of reporters waiting at the door. He explains what the KPK is not right. Rp6 billion is touted as a gratuity permit for oil palm plantations, according to her is money from sale and purchase of gold.

"It was buying and selling 15 kilograms of gold," said Rita at KPK building, Jakarta on Friday (6/10).

Rita also said the process of establishing the suspect on her was very hasty. So there is still a chance to defend yourself.

"I feel what is alleged to me, two Sprindik that there is still a chance to defend themselves," said Rita as she went into the car of detention.

KPK spokesman, Febri Diansyah explained Rita will be detained for 20 days at the newly inaugurated KPK Detention Center. During that time, Rita will be installed in an isolation room located on the ground floor of the prison and only for one resident.

"RWI will be detained in the new KPK Detention Center for 20 days," he explained, Jakarta on Friday (6/10).

As the first resident of new KPK Detaining Center, Rita will join five other female KPK detainees in the same block. The five female detainees, Tegal Mayor Siti Mashita Soeparno, members of the House of Representatives Miryam S Haryani, the judge of Bengkulu Corruption Court Dewi Suryana and civil servant named Syuhadatul Islamy.

As is known, the son of the previous Kukar Regent Syaukhani set suspect by the KPK for two different cases, namely allegations of bribery and gratification.

First, Rita allegedly received Rp 6 billion from Hery Susanton Gun, President Director of PT Sawit Golden Prima (PT SGP) related to the location permit for core and plasma of oil palm plantation in Kupang Baru Village, Muara Kaman Sub-district. Bribes allegedly receipt of money Rp 6 billion was received around July and August 2010 and indicated intended to smooth the process of licensing the location of PT SGP.

Second, Regent Rita and Commissioner of PT Media Bangun Bersama (PT MBB), Khairuddin received gratuities related to the position. This is contrary to the duties and obligations of money of USD 775 thousand or equivalent Rp 6.975 billion associated with a number of projects in Kutai Kartanegara during the term of the suspect. For this, the three suspects snared under different chapters.

Allegedly as the recipient, the bribery case, the Regent of Rita is suspected of violating Article 12 12 a or Article 12 letter b or Article 11 of Law No. 31/1999 on Eradication of Corruption as amended by Act No. 20 of 2001.

Suspected as the grantor, President Director of PT SGP, Hery Susanto Gun (HSG) is suspected of violating Article 55 1 letter a or Article 5 paragraph 1 letter b or Article 13 of Law No 31 of 199c on Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law No 20 of 2001.

Furthermore allegedly as a recipient of gratuities, Regent Rita and Commissioner PT MBB, Khairudin is suspected Article 12 B Law No. 31 of 1999 on the Eradication of Corruption as amended by Law No. 20 year 200w on Amendment to Law No. 31 of 1999 on Corruption Eradication juncto Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code.
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