Feel Disturbed, DPD Facilitates Papuans Complaints to KLHK

Jum'at, 06 Oktober 2017 - 21:38 WIB
Feel Disturbed, DPD...
Feel Disturbed, DPD Facilitates Papuans Complaints to KLHK
JAKARTA - Ministry of Forestry, Environment and Forestry (KLHK) arrival Chairman of Committee II of Parliamentary Representative Council (DPD), Parlindungan Purba and senator from Papua, Charles Simaremare. Both expressed the aspirations of Boven Digoel and Merauke communities related to the opening of oil palm plasma plantations.

During the visit, Parlindungan and Charles received with tasks of the Directorate General of Forestry and Environmental Planning, Yuyu Rahayu and Director of Forest Area Inauguration and Stewardship at the Directorate General of Forestry and Environmental Planning, Muhammad Said.

Parlindungan explained that the community can not cultivate 20 percent of plasma plantation land from Cultivation Rights (HGU) which is a concession of PT Korindo due to the company's forest moratorium.

The company's barriers to clearing land, including plasma, are also due to the negative campaign of foreign Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) releasing deforestation reports in Korindo concessions.

"Investor, in this case PT Korindo feel disturbed by the black campaign of foreign NGOs. Apparently after we check them (NGOs) never come, never communicate," said Parlindungan in Jakarta on Thursday (5/10).

Parlindungan also said that it plans to form a team and visit Merauke and Boven Digoel. He also plans to send a letter to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and related institutions to be able to provide input related to this issue.

Charles Simaremare added that foreigners are actually trying to disrupt economic stability in Papua. Charles hopes the government can pay attention and raise the welfare of the people of Papua.

"The central government to give HGU for investors to build plasma plantations for the community is right. But with a black campaign from the NGOs is very damaging to the business of investors who invest in Papua, because their business is not just oil palm," he explained.

He hopes, Indonesian government can firmly provide a statement that there is no problem about investment by PT Korindo. Thus, the community can obtain and manage 20 percent of the plasma plantations of HGU granted by the government.

"They already hope will be able to produce, but in fact can not. This is a loss experienced by the people of Boven Digoel and Merauke who have come all the way to voice it," he concluded.
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