Syahrini Umrah Cost Covered by First Travel

Jum'at, 06 Oktober 2017 - 20:22 WIB
Syahrini Umrah Cost...
Syahrini Umrah Cost Covered by First Travel
JAKARTA - Umrah travel service First Travel turned out to the singer Syahrini and his 11 families umrah cost. The value is Rp1 billion.

This fact was submitted by Sub Directorate of Criminal Investigation (Tipidum) of of Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim), Kombes Dwi Irianto at Ministry of Bareskrim building, Jakarta on Friday (6/10).

According to Dwi, from the examination result there is witness testimony that mentions the Syahrini and her family umrah cost in March 2017 reached Rp1 billion.

"According information from First Travel staff who take care of their departure, approximately Rp1 billion," said Dwi.

Dwi said, his side has called Syahrini for questioning. This call to ask directly where their departure is funded by whom.

"We call Syahrini because she went to umrah with 11 families using First Travel," he said.

As is known, investigators from Bareskrim has examined Syahrini on Wednesday (27/9). She admitted to getting a 50 percent discount during umrah from First Travel, while his family did not get a discount.

"Only me get discount, while my family not," said Syahrini after being examined.
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