Sick of Setya Novanto Just Drama

Jum'at, 06 Oktober 2017 - 16:24 WIB
Sick of Setya Novanto...
Sick of Setya Novanto Just Drama
JAKARTA - Sick which suffered by House of Speaker, Setya Novanto judged only a drama. The reason, after South Jakarta District Court Judge, Cepi Iskandar granted his pre-trial lawsuit on Friday, September 29, 2017, Novanto immediately left the Premier Hospital, Jakarta on Monday, October 2, 2017 night.

Executive Director of Indonesia Budget Center (IBC) Roy Salam said that the country is created a lot of politicians. However, he said, not many of the politicians that have the character of statesmanship.

"And not many are obedient to the law, the law is trying to be confronted with politics. I think that's what happened yesterday, so its impression is full of plays," said Roy Salam to SINDOnews on Friday (6/10).

He also hopes that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will not break the coral in pursuing the evidence of Novanto involvement in the alleged corruption case of e-KTP card procurement project, so that it can re-establish Novanto as a suspected case of losing Rp2.3 trillion the state money.

Roy believes KPK has evidence to re-establish Novanto as a suspect in this case. In future, he also asked KPK more firmly if Novanto returns sane reason when called the investigator for review.

He added that the KPK should directly check the health condition of Novanto to the hospital if returned to follow-up examined.

"But if you look, it's like a drama, and suddenly after a preliminary verdict is healthy, even if it's heart disease, kidney pain takes days at the hospital," he explained.

Seeing the Novanto case that immediately left the hospital after a pre-trial win, Roy said, people can judge which politicians are honest and which ones are lying.

"For the community, actually able to punish the politicians who are not honest before the election," he concluded.
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