Fired Yorrys, Golkar Party Assessed for Severe Disease

Fired Yorrys, Golkar Party Assessed for Severe Disease
JAKARTA - After escape from case of e-ID card and reap many criticism from the community, now leadership of Setya Novanto in Golkar Party considered seen authoritarian.
The indication is seen from dismissal of Yorrys Raweyai from position of Coordinator of the Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Central Executive Board (DPP) Golkar Party for recommending Novanto for temporarily suspended from post of Chairman of Golkar party.
Yorrys's dismissal letter was signed by Chairman of Golkar Party, Setya Novanto and Secretary General, Idrus Marham on Monday, October 2, 2017 afternoon.
"I myself do not know why," Yorrys Raweyai said when contacted by reporters on Tuesday (3/10).
He is also protesting his removal from the post. According to him, the decision of his dismissal should be in accordance with the rules that exist in the internal of Golkar Party.
The reason Yorrys dismissed himself as long as it is considered to make intrigue that is not profitable to Golkar Party. One of them related to the recommendation of internal meeting on Monday, September 25, 2017 ago. The contents of the recommendation asked Novanto to be temporarily suspended from the position of chairman of the Golkar Party and to appoint the task force.
In this case, Golkar Party is also considered to have high-grade of autism disease. Coordinator of Golkar's Young Generation (GMPG) Ahmad Doli Kurnia said that if Golkar Party's mechanism of dismissal of Yorrys like this, then nine types of serious illness suffered by Setya Novanto's person has been infected to the current Golkar Party leadership.
"Because based on my dismissal experience, such important things can be done without a meeting, without any mechanisms being implemented, immediately dismissed, fired through mass media opinion," Doli said on Tuesday (3/10).
Doli rated, Golkar Party is currently preoccupied with himself, feel the world of his own, feel great himself, laugh and smile himself, somersaults himself, even hurt himself too, by hurting the hearts of cadres and administrators, and feel nothing .
"Golkar party is suffering from high-grade autism, whereas everyone outside of them thinks and judges what makes it weird, sick, there are abnormalities and frightening," he said.
What's worse, he added, all who want to help save the Golkar Party was not trusted, even threatened and fired as well.
"The survey institute is said to be an order, a critical cadre is said to have an interest, and for a long time, public can be blamed for saying Golkar is ill," he said.
Vice Chairman of the Golkar Party Honorary Council, Akbar Tanjung also saw the dismissal of Yorrys without beginning with a warning.
"I do not see any approach, no warning, no calling, as far as I know," said Akbar Tanjung when contacted by reporters on Tuesday (3/10).
He said that the dismissal must be based on existing organizational rules.
"Then to the person who is fired must also be given the opportunity to defend, to explain why he has a different attitude and opinion," he said.
In addition, he said, every decision of the party must be through a democratic, open and accountable mechanism.
"We live in a reform era that can not do the dismissal just for no reason," he explained.
The indication is seen from dismissal of Yorrys Raweyai from position of Coordinator of the Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Central Executive Board (DPP) Golkar Party for recommending Novanto for temporarily suspended from post of Chairman of Golkar party.
Yorrys's dismissal letter was signed by Chairman of Golkar Party, Setya Novanto and Secretary General, Idrus Marham on Monday, October 2, 2017 afternoon.
"I myself do not know why," Yorrys Raweyai said when contacted by reporters on Tuesday (3/10).
He is also protesting his removal from the post. According to him, the decision of his dismissal should be in accordance with the rules that exist in the internal of Golkar Party.
The reason Yorrys dismissed himself as long as it is considered to make intrigue that is not profitable to Golkar Party. One of them related to the recommendation of internal meeting on Monday, September 25, 2017 ago. The contents of the recommendation asked Novanto to be temporarily suspended from the position of chairman of the Golkar Party and to appoint the task force.
In this case, Golkar Party is also considered to have high-grade of autism disease. Coordinator of Golkar's Young Generation (GMPG) Ahmad Doli Kurnia said that if Golkar Party's mechanism of dismissal of Yorrys like this, then nine types of serious illness suffered by Setya Novanto's person has been infected to the current Golkar Party leadership.
"Because based on my dismissal experience, such important things can be done without a meeting, without any mechanisms being implemented, immediately dismissed, fired through mass media opinion," Doli said on Tuesday (3/10).
Doli rated, Golkar Party is currently preoccupied with himself, feel the world of his own, feel great himself, laugh and smile himself, somersaults himself, even hurt himself too, by hurting the hearts of cadres and administrators, and feel nothing .
"Golkar party is suffering from high-grade autism, whereas everyone outside of them thinks and judges what makes it weird, sick, there are abnormalities and frightening," he said.
What's worse, he added, all who want to help save the Golkar Party was not trusted, even threatened and fired as well.
"The survey institute is said to be an order, a critical cadre is said to have an interest, and for a long time, public can be blamed for saying Golkar is ill," he said.
Vice Chairman of the Golkar Party Honorary Council, Akbar Tanjung also saw the dismissal of Yorrys without beginning with a warning.
"I do not see any approach, no warning, no calling, as far as I know," said Akbar Tanjung when contacted by reporters on Tuesday (3/10).
He said that the dismissal must be based on existing organizational rules.
"Then to the person who is fired must also be given the opportunity to defend, to explain why he has a different attitude and opinion," he said.
In addition, he said, every decision of the party must be through a democratic, open and accountable mechanism.
"We live in a reform era that can not do the dismissal just for no reason," he explained.