Faced Foreign NGO's Voice, Merauke Regent Comes to US Embassy

Minggu, 01 Oktober 2017 - 09:55 WIB
Faced Foreign NGOs Voice,...
Faced Foreign NGO's Voice, Merauke Regent Comes to US Embassy
JAKARTA - Following the visit of representatives of the Papuan community to the US and South Korean embassies, Merauke Regent Frederikus Gebze was accompanied by a number of traditional Merauke figures such as Institute of Indigenous Peoples (LMA) and a number of other figures to the US Embassy in Jakarta. They urged again US government to remind US NGOs, Mighty Earth not to conduct a negative campaign in Merauke and Boven Digul.

"Merauke and Boven Digoel have become a place for investors to invest in oil palm plantations. All done is in accordance with provisions of the law in force in Indonesia," said Regent of Merauke, Frederikus Gebze after received by the US Embassy in Jakarta on Friday (29/9).

"The interference of foreign NGOs such as Mighty Earth since 2016 with a negative campaign against the development of oil palm plantations in ulayat land in the districts of Merauke and Bovel Digoel make people uneasy. They only talk with secondary data or unilateral information which is then delivered negatively to the top officials of the company that has partnered with us. For information, that we have cooperated with seven companies and there are four cooperatives formed by cooperation with the company," beber Frederikus.

He continued, the investment climate disrupted the presence of black campaigns of foreign NGOs and made investors fearful. Moreover, Merauke is currently in need of investors to build various facilities needed by the community.

"The presence of investors is needed by the local government. The government does not have sufficient funds to build all existing facilities so that the need of investors from outside, one of the oil palm plantations in accordance with the potential in Merauke," he explained.

The investors of oil palm plantations who enter Merauke in addition to opening employment also participate in community welfare, so the results are very clear.

"The presence of oil palm plantations has been evaluated and contributed quite a lot," he explained.

Chairman of LMA, Sebastianus Ndiken added that the negative campaign is very detrimental to the community as the owner of ulayat rights so the company stopped the land clearing for oil palm plantation development, consequently the development of plasma plantations for local communities has not been done until now.

"We want the plasma plantation for the community to be built soon in order to improve the welfare of the community of ulayat rights owners. Because Papuan people also want to progress and prosper and align with our brothers in other areas outside Papua," he concluded.
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