See This Singer Courage for Chooses Orchestra in His First Debut

Kamis, 28 September 2017 - 04:07 WIB
See This Singer Courage...
See This Singer Courage for Chooses Orchestra in His First Debut
JAKARTA - Choosing an orchestral music theme is not an easy thing, even for a senior singer though. Then why is this newcomer singer trying his luck in the Indonesian music industry through the orchestra?

Raka Septira Pratama debut through his first single titled 'Untuk Selamanya' does look a bit daring by entering orchestral music.

"With orchestral music, soul of the song will be more in the hearts of listeners and the message of the song can be delivered," said Raka in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/9).

Raka believes, bandage orchestra in this new song can be liked teen audience. Plus the song 'Untuk Selamanya' has a message that strongly represents the feelings of young people now.

"We can take the example song 'A Thousand Years' Christina Perry with orchestral nuances. Until now still favored by young people. Then there is a song from band The Verve with 'Bitter Sweet Symphony' which until now still often we hear on the radio with young segmentation," said Raka.

He also claimed to have some orchestra works which he loved until now.

"One of them is Johan Sebastian Bach song titled 'Air' and Sarah Brightman song titled 'Time to Say Goodbye'," he said.
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