Through on Middle of Jakarta, Marijuana in Pick Up Car Arrested

Selasa, 26 September 2017 - 00:24 WIB
Through on Middle of...
Through on Middle of Jakarta, Marijuana in Pick Up Car Arrested
JAKARTA - Unit 2 of Security and Escort Unit Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) Jakarta Police on Monday (25/9) night secured marijuana which loaded at pickup car near the Dental Laboratory (Ladokgi) RE Martadinata, Central Jakarta.

Quoted from Polda Metro Jaya Twitter account @tmcpoldametro, officer of Unit 2 of Security and Escort Unit Directorate of Traffic stopped a medium-sized pickup car with police number B 9450 ZAC.

Inside this car was filled with marijuana which wrapped in packets and put in a basket of oranges that covered by newspaper. The number of fruit baskets is estimated to reach dozens.

Police have secured one person who is the driver of pickup car. Now, the evidence has been submitted to the Drug Unit of Jakarta Police.
Through on Middle of Jakarta, Marijuana in Pick Up Car Arrested

Head of Drugs Unit II Directorate of Crime and Drugs (Ditreskoba) Jakarta Police, AKBP Dony Alexander said the perpetrators so far amounted to one person. But this will continue to be developed.

He said, the perpetrators deliberately covered the package with the basket of orange fruit basket. The goal is to trick officers.

"Yes alleged to deceive or to match his luggage," Donny said.

He also can not ascertain how the total weight of marijuana. Until now, the counting is still ongoing.

"Being dismantled, not knowing yet," Donny said.
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